“Youdoknow what you’re rubbing at, don’t you?”
“I have a nose just as good as yours.” Her voice is syrupy sweet. She turns again to peer over her shoulder. “Now, if you don’t mind…”
“The bed. What do you plan to do about that?”
She shrugs. “I’ll figure something out.”
“It’s shredded.”
“I said I’d figure something out,” her voice is harder now.
“You mean trade for a new one from Bowen?”
“It would be more useful to me than a kiss.”
I stare at her.
After a moment, she shakes her head and turns back to the stain in front of her. “I didn’t mean that.”
It’s as close to an apology as I think I’m going to get from anyone here, so I take it. “What about the food?”
“What about it?”
“Youdoeat? Don’t you?”
When she glances over at the refrigerator, I realize she must not have known.
She wouldn’t have known about any of this because she was out cold when you brought her here.
What a thing to walk into.
“You didn’t know it was empty.”
Her hand tightens around the sponge. “No.”
“Where did you get the cleaning stuff from?”
“Took it from Daxton.”
“Has the next cabin over.”
“And he didn’t mind you just walking in there and…?”
Although she resumes scrubbing, her heart isn’t in it anymore. I understand why. A roof over your head isn’t as important as the need to eat. “Tera must’ve worn him out. He didn’t even stir when I walked in.”
“And Tera is…?”
“Hot blonde with the best tits around here. All the men will tell you. She’s also the woman who would’ve kissed you for free.” When she turns, her expression is impossible to read. “More than that, if you wanted.”
“Yeah, I think I’ll pass.” I study her. “And this Daxton won’t storm in here later when he notices—”
She snorts. “You remember the smell in the dining room when you first arrived?”
“You mean the scent of people who got lost on their way to the shower? I might’ve caught it.” My voice is dry.
“Yeah, well, Daxton was one of them.” She turns back to her cleaning. “He won’t miss the soap. Trust me.”