Amusement fills his eyes. “It looks like you won’t be getting any shirt since I’m the one doing the kissing here. Maybe I should be the one demanding something from you.”
I raise my eyebrow. “Demand all you want. That doesn’t mean you’re getting a thing from me.”
The half-smile kicks into a full one. “As if I can’t smell you, little wolf. I don’t think I’d have to try very hard to have you screaming beneath me.”
I gape up at him. “You arrogant little—” I stop talking when he drops his hands to the waistband of his jeans. “What are you doing?”
“What do you think?”
This can’t happen. “Well, stop,” I mumble as heat sweeps over my body. “I don’t want you to.”
“Like you don’t want me to drop to my knees and taste you?”
Rational thought leaves my head in a rush. I clamp my legs together, but with him standing between them, it’s impossible.
“No answer for me, little wolf?”
I’m too busy trying not to think of Galen’s mouth between my thighs to think up a response. All I can do is gaze up at him with the scent of my arousal heavy in the air, as I struggle to drag enough air into my lungs.
With his eyes locked on mine, his hands stroke up my hips and over my breasts. When his thumbs brush against my beaded nipples, nothing in the world could silence my low moan.
His eyes darken at the sound. He caresses me again, his touch a little firmer than before. A louder moan slips free. “You like me playing with your breasts.” His voice is husky with the same need I see reflected in his eyes.
I don’t deny it. There would be no point.
“Where else do you want me to play?”
“Galen…” Instead of telling him to stop, my voice is soft with need.
He takes his hands away from my aching breasts, and I swallow my cry of complaint. Before I can think of a way to tell him I want more, he spins me so I’m facing the door. His hands return. As my eyes drift shut, I sigh in pleasure when his firm touch eases the ache.
“You still want me to stop, little wolf?” he murmurs against my neck.
No. I want him never to stop. I want him to strip his pants away and slide deep inside me until I’m screaming.
“You seem determined to do it regardless of what I say.”
I feel his lips stretch into a smile against my skin as he strokes his right hand from my breast, gently over my ribs, and down my belly. “The way you’re rubbing against me tells me you’re close, little wolf. It tells me you’re hungry.” He nips my throat and I whimper. “Are you? When I haven’t even touched you where I want to yet.”
“Galen,” I gasp.
“Play? Stop? What will it be, little wolf?”
“Nothing. I don’t want—” My words end in a shocked gasp at the first touch of his fingers between my thighs.
“No?” he murmurs. “Nothing at all?”
He shifts me. The hard tip of him presses tight between the curve of my ass and I stop fighting. Tipping my head back, my eyes close as my breathing turns ragged. “More.”
When his fingers dip inside me, I sob in relief. The relief lasts seconds before a new heaviness invades my body.
His lips drift over my neck as his fingers brush against my core.
When he suddenly growls, my eyes snap open because that sounded like his wolf.
“Galen?” I whisper.
He tenses against me, even as he presses me harder against the door.