Page 15 of Dragon's Divulgence

I forced myself to sleep on the floor, mostly for her protection. I didn’t trust myself not to take advantage of her fever stupor in the night. She lay there in my bed and kept kicking the covers off her body, revealing her curves to me time after time.

My dragon wasn’t pleased about the separation or the timetable whatsoever.

My unruly dragon could kiss my ass. We would wait. We would all wait to mate her until she was ready and not a second sooner.

I would wait an eternity for her.

Gods, I’d become such a sap.

Early in the morning, I slipped from the bedroom and padded into the library. I’d holed myself in there for the past week or so, trying to find out more about the prophecy of this breathing mountain beneath us, only to come up empty time after time.

But mostly, I was hiding from her.

Our lesser mate was incredibly sexy, and she didn’t even know it. It killed me to see her already so comfortable with Jude, hearing the two of them laugh and giggle while making dinner. I would never be that for her, I didn’t think.

Chuckling with her in the tub was the last time I could remember laughing.

Maybe she could pull me out of this darkness. Maybe she was the key to bring me back to life, to dragging my soul from the pits.

She already was.

“One more time,” I whispered to myself as I pulled out the thick texts. My parents hadn’t bought these for me. These were stolen.

Stolen? Well, technically.

I had seen the high council putting them into the lower parts of the mountain where some lesser dragons would incinerate them, but the lessers couldn’t breathe fire at will so they were stacked there for a week, unburned.

Why in the hell they would want to get rid of the prophecies was beyond me.

I’d brought them up here in the shadow of night. It took me four trips down to the depths of the mountain to get them all out.

I never heard a word about them being missing. They probably assumed they had been torched. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

They were mine. And no one knew.

Grabbing one of the thicker volumes, I closed my eyes, wished upon my mate’s health, and opened it to the dead center. I sat down at my chair and let out a groan and opened my eyes.

Wait a damned minute.

The air was robbed from my lungs in an instant. It was there. It was right there under my nose the entire time.

I had read this page several times, hundreds of times, probably, but there it was in black writings with splotches of ink from the feather pen.

The answer to all the questions we had.

I grabbed my journal and copied it down just in case these texts were somehow taken from me. One paragraph led to more study and before I knew it, I had six pages of handwritten clues, more questions than answers, but the journey to the real truth had begun.

When I knew more, I would tell the others.

But at least it was a start. A good start if I said so myself.

Chapter Sixteen


Hilda left, eventually. I knew she didn’t want to but despite the fact she was my foster mother, she still had responsibilities as a lesser. I continued to cradle the cup she’d given me between my palms, even though there was not a drop of tea left. I didn’t know for sure whether she could fly. She had when I was younger, but it had been a while since I had known her to do so.

As a lesser myself, until I’d moved up here into the suite, I’d had no real idea how much of anything worked. As I’d already put together, I’d somehow thought that some dragons just didn’t have the ability to fly. Not that the treatment they received might have been responsible for the fact. When Hilda came back, I was going to have some questions for her that I wouldn’t ask another lesser for fear of word getting back to the high council.