Chapter One


The magic and excitement of not being locked up faded by the moment.

At least they believed me enough to let me out of that bedroom. Besides, their apartments were lavish, and I’d actually gotten lost or disoriented on the way from Soren’s bedroom to the library.

I wished I was in Soren’s bedroom for a different reason, but alas, it was only to get his journal at his request so he could take notes on what he’d just found.

Since I told them what was going on with the mountain respirating and turning a particularly neon shade of green, well, Soren had gone into all-out research mode. He not only spent his days in the library, but the night before, I had passed by his bedroom and saw that he had fallen asleep at his desk, face plastered to a book page, pen still in his hand. I’d helped him to bed and tucked him in.

He never said thank you. In fact, the next morning, he gruffed about coffee and returned to the library. I had gone back to not existing despite the fact that I was technically out of my jail.

“Don’t take it personally. I’ve known Soren for a long time. He gets obsessed about things.” Jude sat next to me on the couch and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I welcomed the warmth. Ever since I’d seen the mountain like that, breathing, moving, coming to life before me, I’d gone cold. Not freezing to the point of shivering but an underlying, constant low-grade coldness. Hot baths helped, but the aftereffects were temporary.

Perhaps I was still in shock.

“Freya, are you still cold?” Jude felt my arms and legs. “You are. Here.” He pulled off his hoodie from his body and, without asking, put it over my head and commanded I wear it. The damned thing swallowed me. The edge of the hem went down to my knees, but immediately, I sighed.

Sharing his heat, even in a removed way, set off my lust alarms. I sank back onto the couch next to him and nuzzled myself into the space beside him, a space he offered to me freely.

Jude was the only one who did that. I imagined he and I would be the first ones to mate but then again, they said they would mate me all at once.

I shuddered, thinking about the logistics of that promise.

“Are you hungry? I’ve got lunch in the oven, but I could get you something right now if you need it.”

“I’m fine but thank you. What’s for lunch?” I was happy to let him interpret my hunger as one for food rather than what I was afraid it truly was.

“Burrito bowls. The chicken and veggies are in the oven. The rest is done. Are you watching this?”

He pointed the remote at the TV. I didn’t know what I had on before he came in, but now it was some romance about a lawyer and a bakery owner. “Um, no.”

Jude winked at me and pulled me tighter against him. “I like the cheesy ones once in a while. But mainly, I watch this.”

He turned on an app on the TV, and before I knew it, we were laughing so hard tears flowed down our faces.

Soren appeared in front of us. “What the hell is going on out here? I’m trying to work.”

Work. Ha. He hadn’t worked a day in his life unless he considered his career to besullen jerk with book fetish.

“Come now,” Jude chided. “I think it’s the first time in a week our mate hasn’t been completely overwhelmed and stressed. Join us. Lunch is almost ready. We can all enjoy ourselves.”

Soren fussed and went back to the library while Nico came in through the door. Gods alive, he was like some kind of dark prince. He sucked the air out of the room each time he entered, only to replace it with hovering, thick forlorn.

“I know you two are having fun, but we have to get some things clear.”

Chapter Two

Oh hell. Nico went for Soren while Jude turned the temperature down on the oven. My tummy rumbled in protest, but the rest of me tensed at the coming conversation. All three of these very powerful dragons turning their attention on me at the same time could be a lot on the best of days, but I had a feeling this conversation was going to be more.

“I think we should just have lunch together,” I suggested hopefully. “You can convince them, Jude.”

“You know that’s not true,” he said, returning to sit next to me. Jude took my hand and cradled it in his two big warm ones. “I am not going to be able to stop them from discussing something with you that is for your benefit.”

“Oh, this doesn’t sound good. I—”

“Shh. Here they come. Just be brave, listen to what we have to say, and remember that you are fated for us and we only want the best for you.”