Page 72 of Gambit's Queen

“Nice to meet you, Red. Did you make the coffee?”

“I did. Me and my old man got in about twenty minutes ago. He’s outside with Duke and Trinity.”

I poured a steaming mug of coffee adding a generous amount of flavored creamer and a couple of spoons of sugar. After stirring it I took a sip.

“This is good. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Duke says you're cooking brunch tomorrow.”

“I am. I love to cook.”

“Well, you’re in luck; these men all love to eat.”

“That’s a good thing.”

We spent the next twenty minutes talking. The men came in from the outside. Pops gave me a quick hug and a kiss on top of the head.

Trinity grinned before pulling me in for a hug. “Where’s that man of yours?”

“Sleeping. He got in late, or rather early this morning.”

“How about you and I go food shopping while everyone else catches up.”

“Let me put some shoes on. I’ll meet you in five.”

I’d set the alarm for five a.m. Sunday morning to ensure I got a start on everything I wanted to make. Trinity and I had a blast shopping for food yesterday. He’s a lot of fun. Both he and Armand are crazy-sexy, funny and both men can dance. One day some lucky women were going to come along and snag them. At least I hoped they would.

First thing I do is start the coffee. Once I have that going, I make the dough for my orange rolls. They needed time to proof twice before I baked them. After I had the dough proofing, I started the orange glaze. The glaze needed time to reduce. I wanted to make sure it was perfect, so I’d given myself enough time to make a second batch.

Trinity was the first one to arrive in the kitchen. He poured a cup of coffee, drinking it black before he started helping me in the kitchen. Soon Gambit, Armand and Nola pitched in. I had so much fun as we cooked, cleaned, snuck a few early mimosas, and laughed until my sides hurt. Papa, Smoke and Dakota joined us. From Armand’s chapter, Brick, his wife Red, Angel and Hammer joined us for brunch.

Besides the orange rolls we made scrambled eggs, biscuits, sausage gravy, home fries, sausage, bacon, and ham. We spent the late morning eating, drinking and the men started telling stories to one another. One of the best days of my life.

Chapter 36
