Page 70 of Gambit's Queen

Chapter 35


We arrived at Doris’in style. An English White Rolls Cullinan, kind of style. I wanted to ask which man it belonged to, but I didn’t. It didn’t matter. While I’d rather have spent the evening with Gambit, I knew I’d have a good time tonight.

The hostess seated us immediately in a corner booth at the bar. I slid around back. Armand sat to my right while Trinity sat to my left. Each man held a side of the menu allowing her to read it. It was cute they all read it together. Tonight, is going to be serious book fodder.

Our server came to take our orders. We each ordered a cocktail. I chose a daiquiri, and we ordered tuna tartare and a cheeseboard to start. Trinity asked for the server to bring us the regular menu. It had a bigger variety of appetizers and cocktails. We ordered a few things.

“How’s the restaurant coming along?” I ask in between bites of octopus. It was made into a salad with smoked tomatoes, okra, red onions and tzatziki sauce.

“On schedule. We’re going to open at three a.m. on Halloween. We’ll remain open for three hours then re-open for good on November fourth.”

“I can’t wait to try it out.”

“You're on the opening night list, Queenie.”

“We all are,” Armand added

Armand encourages me to order a Tesseract next. A cocktail famous in the ‘Big Easy’.

“Thank you for the suggestion, Armand. This is amazing.”

A sudden thought occurred to me.

“Should I use your road name? I use Trinity’s and everyone else’s?”

Armand shook his head. “Armand is fine, but I’d really like it if you called me Pops.”

Tears sprang to my eyes. Trinity squeezed my left hand. A rough thumb wiped the tears on the right side of my face.

“Oh, sweet girl. I didn’t intend to make you cry.”

“I’m not sad, Pops. It’s just...”

Armand pulled me into his arms, and I sobbed. It was so long since I had someone, I could call dad. Thank Goddess for waterproof mascara. I’d worn it so it wouldn’t run while I danced. If I didn’t, I’d look like a racoon.

I cried, silently, not wanting to draw attention. I wasn’t embarrassed, but this was my moment. My moment to remember what it’s like to feel the arms of a father wrapped around me.

“Gambit told me about your dad. I’m sorry you lost him. And so early.”

I nodded into his shoulder not yet trusting my voice. A gentle hand lifted my chin. Pops dried my tears.

“We have forty-five minutes until our dinner reservation. What do you say we order dessert?” Trinity asked.