Page 61 of Gambit's Queen

“Good morning, beautiful.”

“Morning, my love.”

“I like how it sounds.”

“I love you, Beau Landry. I’m head over heels in love with you.”

“That’s a good thing, because I’m never letting you go. You’re mine, Stormy Summer St. James. I’m going to put my name on you.”

“A tattoo?”


“I’ve always wanted one.”

“Good. I know just the place.”

Stormy sat up with a look of excitement on her face. “When can we go?”

“Easy tiger. The artist I want to take you to is on vacation. She’ll be back the first week of October. I’ll book an appointment for us.”


“Your name is going over my heart. Will you help me choose the design?”

“I’d love to! Will you help me too? I have no idea where or what besides your name.”

“Stormy, bébé, Sabian, the tattoo artist I mentioned earlier, specializes in covering scars.”

“The ones under my breasts?”

“Yes, unless you want to try laser treatment for those.”

“For the small ones, yes. I like the idea of a tattoo better. A work of art to cover an act of cruelty.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through all of that alone.”

“I wasn’t completely alone. My stepdad cut us off from my dad’s family, but I had Bernie. He was my rock.”

“What about Kai?”

“Kai is great entertainment and a good buddy. He’s not the kind to pour your heart out to. Plus, we worked together. He was my boss.”



“Let’s get you in a hot tub to soak. I’ll order breakfast.”

She sat up wincing slightly. “Good plan. I’m starved and I think you’ve broken me.”

I sat up pulling her to me gently. “I promise to fix you. Come on, scoot to the edge and I'll carry you into the bathroom.”

“Thank you.”

“No need to thank me. I broke you.”

“We broke me. I wanted sex every bit as much as you did. Umm. I need to pee first.”