Page 7 of Gambit's Queen

“Sounds good. Should I follow you?”

“No, you should ride on the back of my bike.”

One I’d soon be upgrading. I’d need a better bitch seat for my Queen. Because that’s exactly what Stormy St. James is, MY Queen. She’d soon know it. I watched as indecision among other emotions swam across her face before she smiled and nodded her head.

“I’d love to. I haven’t been on the back of a motorcycle for years.”

“Whose bike have you been on?”

She blanched. I hadn’t meant it to come out harshly. The thought of her riding bitch on someone else’s bike had his insides boiling.

“My uncle took me for a few rides on the back of his Yamaha. I was six.”

My body relaxed; a smile turned the corners of my mouth.

“If you haven’t ridden on a Harley, you’re in for a real treat.”

She shook her head, smiling, a light blush colored her porcelain skin. I’d heard the word used before, but until I saw Stormy’s skin, I didn’t understand.

“Come on, bébé.” I offered her my hand, which she took with surprising ease.

The moment our hands met; heat surged through my body. At this rate, my balls are going to be blue before we get to the diner. I led her to my steel steed, letting her hand go to grab an extra do-rag from my saddlebag.

“This should help keep that beautiful hair from gettin’ tangled.”

“Thank you.” Stormy took the rag, tucking it into her cleavage before gathering her hair and braiding it. After making quick work of the braid, she secured my do-rag around her head. I helped her with the helmet before strapping it on. I mounted the bike and offered my hand. She took it. A smile lit up her face as she confidently swung one leg over the bike.

Chapter 4


Iswung my leg overthe back of his bike with ease. Although I’d only been on Hugh’s bike a few times, I’ve ridden horses most of my life. The only indulgence that my mother honored. My daddy had me riding in the saddle with him before I even crawled. Rest his sweet soul. Not a day goes by that I don't miss that man.

Once I got balanced behind him, I wrapped my arms around his waist, leaning in close. He smelled of sweat and leather. An intoxicating scent. I melt into his back. Having my arms around six and a half feet of masculine perfection was better than any fantasy I could imagine.

Even though I write this stuff, this was better than my wildest dreams. Lightning struck my soul the moment I laid eyes on him. Surrounded by three of the hottest men I’d ever been in the same room with, and I frequently hang around book cover models. Then Gambit entered the room. It was like all the air had been sucked out and I couldn’t breathe again until he stood in front of me.