Page 50 of Gambit's Queen

Nik left two glasses of ice water and went to fill our drink orders. I hadn’t looked at the menu yet.

I turned to Gambit while perusing the menu. “Do you know what you're getting?”

“The Kings come here a few times a month. Everything is good. I can order for us if you’d like.”

“Yes, please.”

“Anything you don’t like?”

“No, but I’ve never tried oysters.”

“Any reason?”

“The smell. In Indiana it's frozen or canned. I have successfully tried shrimp, a few kinds of fish, lobster, crawfish, and scallops.”

“Are you up to try both tonight?”

“Bring it.”

I studied Nik as he returned with our drink order. He looked more biker than server. I’d put him at three inches over six feet with linebacker style shoulders. Thick muscular arms. He had a full left sleeve with a Norse theme. It was bad as hell. His dark beard and mustache were short and well groomed. The hair on his head matched. Deep brown eyes meant mine with a smile, and I realized I’d been staring again. Fucking author brain.

I blurted out, “I’m an author. I didn’t mean to stare.”

Gambit growled beside me. I turned looking up at him, my cheeks flaming. “Not like that, babe. I was just thinking he looked more like a biker than a server. My brain has a mind of its own.”

His frown eased. “What?”

“I mean I can control myself. What I call my ‘author brain’ has a mind of its own. Public triggers it. I’m fine one moment, the next I’m staring into space while the next character or storyline blooms in my head. I don’t mean to stare at people.”

Please don’t be mad, please don’t be mad.

Gambit slipped his hand behind my head, cupping it as he pulled me into a kiss. He pulled away leaving me breathless. By the time I came to my senses Nik had taken our order and left.

“Bébé, do you like to dance?

Left field. I’ll take it! “I love to dance. Are we going later?”

“They have live music here.”

I jumped from my seat, throwing myself at him and kissing his face.

“I love you.”

He chuckled. “I can tell.”

I sat back down and took a drink of the zombie.

“Oh, this is good.”

Nik delivered a steaming platter of deliciousness. “Let me know when you want another one.”

“Thanks, I will.”

He left with a smile, and I turned my attention to our food. Char grilled oysters. I took a deep breath, inhaling the mixture of spices before biting into it. Flavors burst across my mouth. Lemon, garlic, better, parmesan and fresh herbs. On top of the lightly smoked oyster.

“Delicious. These are amazing.”

“I’m glad you like them, bébé.”