Page 41 of Gambit's Queen

“Smoke’s got the bags all set up and a spare set of gym clothes.”

“Thanks brother.”

“We got your back, bro. Nay, text me if you ladies need anything.”

“Sure thing, Papa.”

My second in command turned his attention back to me, talking as we walked down the hall. “Wizard is already hacking into the NOPD’s cameras. Cosmo is sifting through the footage while Wizard does a background search on turd. I’ll guard your woman.”

Papa headed back the way we came, and I walked into the gym alone. We kept the original gym and added a few things to it to suit our needs. It came with equipment when we bought it and over the last few years, we’ve added on.

Our new place would have saunas, hot tubs, ice baths, and more in the gym. It would also have a full-sized boxing ring. We had ropes we used to mark off the ring when we wanted to spar here. Later, I sparred with Smoke. He’s our enforcer and martial arts expert.

After a quick change, Boomer taped up my hands and I went after the heavy bag with a vengeance.


IFOUGHT NOT TO PANICwhen Gambit closed the door. Would he be back? This was a lot for him to handle. They just started dating. He said he loved me. I love him. I meant those words. That scares the fuck out of me.

Can this be real or am I destined to crash and burn? Things are moving super-fast but having a psycho stalking you is a sure way to put a crimp in any romance. With a sigh, I pushed those thoughts from my head.

I feel empty. Not in a bad way, I realized. For maybe the first time since my dad passed, I felt safe. Bernie did his best, but he couldn’t protect me until I turned eighteen. Even then, he had to be careful, or my step-monster would have his license pulled.

Bernie told many times he’d find a new line of work. I couldn’t let him do that. He’d done too much already. I downplayed Ty’s actions as best I could over the last few years.

As we sat on the couch in Gambit’s office, relief washed over me as I realized the safety of his embrace. The tears I shed purged the fears from my mind, leaving me a sense of peace. I sank into the bubbles and tried to relax.

The water was cold by the time I got out. The pink towels were the size of bath sheets and one wrapped completely around me. I’d left my phone on Gambit’s nightstand and had no idea how long I’d soaked.

I was sure I had plenty of time to kill until Gambit came back. I didn’t want to pester whoever is on guard duty. Hmm. Hey, I had a new Elle Boon novel waiting on my Kindle app. I stepped out of the bathroom into Gambit’s bedroom and froze in place. Willow, Nola, Chardonnay, Kelsi, and Fallon were all in the suite. Willow yelled surprise, while Nola handed me a bundle of clothes.

“We’re having an impromptu girl party. I figured we’d keep you company while my brother went postal on the heavy bags.”

I smiled and took the clothes. “Do you think that’s where he is?”

“I’d bet money on it. He can work out a lot of frustration in the gym. One of the brothers will spar with him too, if he needs it.”

“Thank you.”

I returned to the bathroom and dressed quickly in what I realized were Gambit’s clothes. A white wife beater, blue-plaid boxers and thick white socks. With a quick search, I found a brush, running it through my long hair and leaving it loose.

By the time I came back Papa was coming through the door carrying two large brown paper grocery style bags, followed by Half-paint. The latter carried a tray with drink mixing tools, a glass pitcher and glasses. They sat everything down in the kitchenette before leaving.

“There’s our girl,” Willow said before crossing the room to hug me. One by one, all the women joined in the hug. At some point we wound up in Gambit’s big bed, a giggling pile of hugs.

“I brought mudslide and dark Oregon cherry ice cream.”

“Dream Cream?”

“You know it. I also grabbed my manicure kit.”

“I love you.”

“You should,” Willow said with a wink and a smile.

“I brought chocolate!” Fallon exclaimed.

I followed her into the kitchenette. The small counter was laden with food and bottles of alcohol. Chocolate cheesecake bars, brownies, no bake chocolate cookies and German chocolate cupcakes. My mouth watered and I moved my attention to the alcohol.