Page 30 of Gambit's Queen

I parked the bike and walked hand in hand with Stormy up the stairs. Her keys were in my pocket. I pulled them out and handed them to her.

Stormy unlocked the door. Opening it, she stepped inside. The smile on her face vanished quickly.

“What’s wrong?”

“Honu always greets me at the door.”

She started forward, calling for him. When she reached the kitchen, Stormy let out a blood-curdling scream. I heard boots racing up the steps as I raced down the hall. I found her on the floor next to Honu. The dog was lying on the floor and I couldn’t tell if he was breathing.

Dropping to my knees, I put my head against his chest. It took what seemed like hours for me to hear a faint heartbeat.

“Gambit, what’s wrong?”

My brothers were in the kitchen, guns drawn.

“Is Half Pint here? We need to get Honu to the emergency vet right fucking now.”

“He just pulled up,” Papa said as he bent down. “Let me help you carry him.”

I nodded my head. “Decker, help Stormy down the stairs. Smoke, look around before you lock up, brother.”

“On it, bro. Go.”

Papa and I carried Honu down the stairs with urgent care. Half-Pint saw us and hurried to open the back of the SUV. My heart broke with each sob I heard from Stormy. I wanted nothing more than to hold her and make it all better. First, I had to get her dog to the emergency vet. We loaded Honu in while Smoke got Stormy buckled into the passenger’s seat. I tossed my keys to Half Pint.

“Scratch it and I’ll end your fucking life.”

“I’ve got this, Prez.”

With speed, I made my way around to the driver’s side. Papa pulled out in front, and I followed. Wrath pulled around, helping Papa clear traffic out of the way while we made the fifteen-minute drive to the nearest emergency vet.

They stopped in front of the entrance. Wrath parked and ran to the back, opening the SUV before darting inside to alert people of our arrival. Half Pint parked my bike behind the SUV he and Papa were picking up Honu. I ran around to the passenger’s side to help Stormy out of the car.

She was shaking. I pulled her to me, putting one arm around her waist while I led her inside. The next few minutes were a flurry of activity as two vet techs took Honu, while another took information from Stormy.

She answered every question. An underlying quiver in her voice, I ran the pad of my thumb soothingly over the back of her hand as she answered questions. When the tech handed her a clipboard, I took it, asking her questions and filling out the information.

My phone rang. It was Smoke.

“I have something you’ll want to see. Stone is on his way here with a buddy in this district. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“What’s up?”

“Tell the vets to look for poison. I found a note. The note's author says the dog was in his way.”
