Page 116 of Gambit's Queen

A tall, dark-skinned man strolled through the doors next, interrupting further conversation.


“That’s me.”

“I’m Efram Adamos, Stormy’s nurse. She’s settled in her room if you’d like to come see her. Chief of staff allowed visitors around the clock. Two at a time. If you’ll follow me.”

I followed him down the corridor, Pops, Nola and Bastien behind me. The nurse pushed the door open and I stepped into my room. The breath froze in my chest and tightened painfully. She looked so frail hooked up to machines. Half a dozen IVs were mounted on a pole next to her monitors.

I crossed the room in a few strides, taking her hand. The love I had for her gathered in my chest threatening to suck me down into a dark pit if anything happened to her. She had to get better. Our wedding was a week away. I asked Nola and Trinity to keep the wedding plans going. Nola told me she recruited the Cauldron.

Pulling a chair next to the bed, I took a seat still holding her hand.

“Stormy Summer St. James, I love you more than life itself. You are the air I breathe. The stars I see at night. The sun in the morning sky. I didn’t know my life was dark until you brought me life. Every day I spend with you, I fall more in love.

“I never thought I’d find a love like Mom and Pops had. The way they looked at each other made me want that. I wanted to know what it felt like to love someone that much. To be loved by someone that much. My parents set the bar high. Something I never thought I’d attain until the moment I met you. You blew me away. No pun intended.”

I had to stop and take a few deep breaths. This is something I should say in front of our family, friends, and a preacher. Words he’d shout to the world because that’s how deeply he felt them.

“You healed something in me I didn’t even know was broken. Not only that, bébé but my brothers love you. You’re our Queen. Always taking care of everyone. Cooking meals, comforting one of the bunnies, or giving dating advice to a prospect. I know you can hear me, my Queen. Come back to me as soon as you can.

“We have a wedding in a week. Don’t worry. Our family has everything under control. The prospects started planting the garden yesterday. It’s going to be beautiful. The dedication sign arrived early. I’m sorry you didn’t get to surprise me with it. I love it, and I love you. Nola was blown away that you dedicated the garden to our mother. Don’t tell Pops I told you, but I’m pretty sure he teared up. The fall garden is stunning. The photographer flipped her lid over it. Oh, and Pops let her see what’s behind the tarp. You should give him hell for that. Although the anticipation is worth it. Wait until you see what he’s done.”

I spent the next fifteen minutes filling her in on all the wedding details I knew. Then I motioned for Bastien to come into the room. Pops and Nola would come in when we left.

“Bébé, do you remember me telling you about Bastien? The young man that works the airboats. He helped us find your landlord.”

I looked to Bastien. “Let her know you’re here.”

Bastien pointed to Stormy's other hand. “May I?”

I nodded my head. I was waiting to tell Stormy about turd when she was awake. And fully aware. I didn’t want her subconscious to dwell on him and cause her nightmares. She’d had enough of those and most likely they weren’t over. When we got back from our honeymoon, I’d talk to her about seeing a therapist.

“Bastien and his siblings are coming to stay with us. I’m going to get them while you’re healing. If I thought for a second it would make a difference, I’d never leave your side.”

“She’d kick your ass,” my sister said, slipping into the room.

“She would.” I turned my full attention back to Stormy. “I’m taking Doc and a few friends to get the kids. Nay’s in charge of getting their rooms ready. I’m leaving Nola in charge. Try not to give her a hard time while I’m gone.”

I stood up, kissing her on the temple before stepping out of the room. Bastien spoke softly, talking first to Stormy then to Nola. Before meeting me in the hallway. We headed to the waiting room. I sent Nay a text and told her what I needed. I didn’t have a chance before I told Stormy, but it wouldn’t be a problem. Nay was rock solid. She deserves a reward or a promotion. Maybe both. After the wedding I’d brainstorm with my Queen, and we’d figure it out.

Papa met us at the door. “Doc took Blue, Boomer and Brick to get any medical supplies the kids might need. Red went back to the compound to help.”

“Good, I text Nay. She’ll help Red get things together on that end. Bastian, are you ready to go get your siblings?”

“Yeah man.”

“Ito has a van waiting for us,” Papa added.

“Thanks, brother.”

“I got your back.”

As hard as it was leaving Stormy in the hospital, I knew this was the right thing to do. The thing she’d want me to do. Hell, I wanted to do it too. I can’t imagine what those kids have been through.