Page 98 of Gambit's Queen

Pops introduced us as soon as we were all in the salon.

“Gemini, this is Blue and Cosmo. They’re from my sons' club in New Orleans. This,” he said turning toward me, “is the bride to be, my soon to be daughter by marriage and already queen of all our hearts, Stormy St James. Stormy, this is Gemini Parisi.”

OMG! Did he just say Gemini Parisi? No fucking way. She’s the hottest designer on the market right now. I stood there for a few seconds before I remembered to offer my hand.

“I’m so sorry, Ms. Parisi. I’m such a fangirl.”

Gemini shocked the hell out of me by standing on her tiptoes and kissing both cheeks.

“The feeling is mutual. I have a confession, actually.”

I watched Gemini cross the room and reach behind a decorative dressing screen. She pulled out a large white box before bringing it back and setting it on a nearby table. Gemini motioned me forward as she pulled off the lid.

I gasped inside the box lay every single one of my books. All in paperback and a duplicate of those available in hardback. Bookmarks, a shot glass, and other swag lay inside the box.

“Oh... My... Goddess. I’m honored, Ms. Parisi.”

“Gemini, and I’m the one that’s honored. I’m going to make your wedding dress.”

Before I could answer she took my hand, dragging me onto the platform. No sooner am I in the middle than Gemini is off eyeing each dress critically. She looks from me to the dress, shaking her head each time.

“No. None of these will work. I’ll make something new. Do you trust me?”

“Implicitly. I haven’t seen a G-Parisi design I haven’t been in love with.”

“Good.” She turned to the men. “Out. There are refreshments in the kitchen. I’ll call you back when we’re done.”

Gemini gave the men a few minutes to get settled before she had me strip down to my bra and panties. Over the next twenty minutes she had me stand in various poses while she furiously sketched ideas. When she finished, she flipped the sketch book closed without showing me a single design. She did ask me to trust her. Gemini glided over, measuring tape and phone in hand.

“I have an app to keep measurements and other information in. Don’t worry, I use a code name for everyone. Even if anyone is ever desperate enough to hack a dressmaker, there are no names attached to the information. You’re saved under Marquess.”

“The title given a Duke’s son or daughter.”



“HE’S GOING TO POKEmy eyes out for seeing you in that.”

“Oh please. It was half a second before the robe was completely closed. Plus, I have underwear on.”

“That’s not underwear. That’s sex on wheels.”

“Cosmo. We can keep this between us. It’s an accident.”

“No, we have to tell him. Maybe next year or something. I don’t want to lose my patch.”

“Why would you lose your patch?” a gruff voice asked.

I looked up to see Doc. Blue had to bail for club reasons. He showed up around an hour ago when we arrived at the old clubhouse. The three of us set up an intimate surprise for Gambit. Tonight, I put the club’s dancing pole to good use.

We had two at the new club. They were hidden until needed. But the club was always full of people. Here we’d have privacy. The bodyguards would be in other areas. Close by but not in the same room.

“I uhm. Fuck. I’m a dead man.”
