Page 91 of Gambit's Queen

The American flag and our club colors stood on poles on the other side of the stage. Wizard had gear set up behind the pulpit so he could plug in his laptop. Made it easier for him to show everyone his latest find.

Our handmade conference table easily sat twenty-five and had our club colors burned into the wood. The prospects had replaced our usual spacious seating with comfortable armless office chairs. We can squeeze in thirty-two with more seats to the sides and backs. I opened the door to any of our allied brothers to join in.

As patched members filled the room, prospects carried in trays of bloody beer and food. The trays were laden with bite sized omelets, shrimp skewers, and an assortment of pastries and breads along with fresh fruit. Ito closed the door after the last patched member took a seat.

The Kings turned their phones on silent and placed them face down on the table. The other clubs followed suit. Either putting their phones on the table or tucking them in their cut or back pocket.

“What’s up, Gambit?” Chainz asked. “We heard there was an incident with your Old Lady.”

“Stormy was attacked this morning inside Black Magic Brew. By the time we arrived the mother fucker had fled the scene.”

“Do you know who it is?” Ratchet asked.

“Yes. His name is Tyler Barnes III. He’s her stepbrother.”

A series of what the fuck and other expletives were heard around the room. I spent the next thirty minutes telling them the story Stormy told me. She’d given me permission earlier to use any details I thought would help. And I wanted my brothers to be angry. I wanted them to hate number three as much as I did.

“Blue, Triton, did you find anything?”

Blue pulled a syringe out of his pocket and slid it down the table.

“This was in the alley just beyond the door. It had fallen into a crack. Otherwise, it could’ve been trampled.”

I picked up the syringe. My blood was boiling. “I want this motherfucker’s torture to last when we find him. Days of pain before I finally end his miserable life.”

I pounded the table with my fists, yelling before I stood up with enough force, the chair rolled back several feet. I walked to the nearest wall and put my fist through it. After taking a few calming breaths, I returned to the table.

“Did you test it?”

Triton nodded his head. “Propofol.”

The next fist that went through the wall was Pops’. It took several minutes to get everyone calm enough to continue the meeting.

“I want two men on her at all times. At least one patched member. All in favor raise your hand.”

Hands shot up around the room. Each club president offered their help.

Blue spoke up, “We could use the extra help. Barnes, two, has a lot of money and powerful friends. Wizard has a full briefing coming up. Three is following Stormy. He’s also having her followed by at least one man. Turd knows our faces but not our allies' faces. We can put members up in nearby housing. We’ll use a service to have food and other things delivered.

“This way we have one or two of us with Stormy. And another that follows close but is not with her.”

“Good plan brother. Wizard, report.”

Wizard stepped on the stage before getting behind the pulpit. He plugged in his laptop and pressed a few keys. A man in an expensive suit popped up on screen. The man looked to be an inch about six feet with broad shoulders. His dark hair threaded with gray, which was more concentrated at his temples.

“This is Barnes two. He’s the current governor of Indiana and Stormy’s stepfather as we mentioned earlier. Two has close to a billion dollars in the bank. Most of it through illegal means. He has ties to a few criminal organizations and a soft spot for his son.

“According to a maid that’s been with the family for twenty-five years, two married Marylin St. James because his son was obsessed with her daughter. Days after Three saw Stormy out with friends, two approached Marylin and began courting her.”

“Fuck, that makes me want to hurl,” Brick said.

The next two and a half hours we went over our options forming a plan. Wizard went into more detail about Two but was still digging.