Page 53 of Gambit's Queen

Half Pint stood not far from us leaning against a building. He blended in with the scene and the occasional passersby. Not an easy thing to do for a scary motherfucker. Add the jagged scar that ran the length of his face. I knew he had skills, he served time in special forces, but even I’m impressed. The video device he was using was one of our high-end tech videos. He’d preserve the moment for Stormy and I.

Smoke agreed to watch Honu, freeing up a prospect. I had everyone on video and picture duty. That ended outside the hotel room door. Kelsi, Willow and Nola set up the hotel room. They also took pictures and videos. I wanted Stormy to remember the first birthday party she’d had since her dad died.

Satisfied the prospect was doing his job, I slipped his arm around my woman.

“Are you ready, bébé?”


“Let me help you into the carriage.”

The driver took off as soon as we were settled into the back seat. We enjoyed a light snack as the carriage took in the sites of the French Quarter. Stormy took it all in. I could tell her author brain was working. She studied everything. Taking it all in, no doubt for later use in a novel.

An hour later the carriage pulled to a stop in front of Galatoire's.

Stormy’s eyes widened, she turned and gave me a quick kiss. “Beau, I’ve always wanted to dine here.”

“Looks like I chose well then.”

After I help my woman down, I escort her inside, giving them my last name for our reservation.

Chapter 27


Earlier that day

By the time we arrived at the clubhouse, I was freaking out. Even though Gambit had most of my possessions moved into his suite, I had nothing appropriate to wear. I pulled every stitch of clothing I owned out of the closet. I’d already worn the only two skirts I owned. Everything else was jeans, shorts, and sweatpants.

I grab a quick shower, put on my slippers and robe, before heading down to Nay and Kelsi’s room. Chardonnay said her friends call her Nay and I should start using the nickname. Both women opened the door, pulling her inside while she explained her date.

“Girl, let’s go see what you have and then we can embellish.”

“I have nothing, I’ll save us a trip.”

I gave my new friends a brief rundown of the last few years with Ty, including the assault. Then I confessed that what I had upstairs was all I had period. After they hugged me and dried my tears, they became a whirlwind of activity. Over a dozen outfits later we decided on a short black dress. It bared my shoulders. Nay had a black lace strapless bra and matching panties. They tried to talk me into going bare-legged, but I was too self-conscious about the tiny scars all over my legs. We finished ten minutes before Gambit was set to arrive.