Page 44 of Gambit's Queen

“Asleep in the next room.”

“Do you want me to send a few of the brothers to help keep an eye on her?”

“Since she works for us and is now staying at the clubhouse, I think we’ll be alright. I’m asking her to expedite the compound. The place is more secure.”

“I’ll send Sentry down with a team.”

“Thanks, Pops.”

“Take care of our girls.”

“I will.”

By the time I hung up and got back into the bedroom, Stormy was stirring. After I kiss her good morning, we shower, change and head to the new compound, stopping along the way to pick up breakfast. Half Pint met an officer at Stormy’s place so he could get her some clothes. He took Chardonnay with him.

Once we settled into the office, I got an idea.

“Bébé, if we increase the budget, how fast can you get this place ready?”

“Give me a few minutes,” she said, firing up her computer. I watched her as she pulled open several spreadsheets, taking notes. Her hair, pulled up in a high ponytail today, bounced as she moved her head. I wanted nothing more than to grab it, bring our faces together, and crush her lips to mine.

“Thirty days tops. Three weeks if everything goes well.”

“I’ll make sure it goes well. I want us moved in ASAP. Our suite of rooms here is much bigger than the ones we have now.”

“Our suite?

“Yes. You’re moving in with me. Plus, the compound is secure, and the brothers can protect you when I’m not around.”

“Only until the police catch Ty, right?”

“I think forever sounds better.” I gave her a quick kiss. “Now get to work.”

“Yes, Sir.” She gave me a mock salute as she laughed.


ISIT AT THE HEAD OFthe table, waiting for the rest of my brothers to fill in. Last night, I called a special church meeting for noon today. Sentry, Bug, Pyro, and Hammer showed up around ten from my dad’s club. After an early lunch, I sent Stormy to spend time with Honu. Ito and Cosmo were with her. Earlier this morning, I called the vet, and paid the bill. One less thing for her to worry about.

Each brother turned their phone on silent and laid it face down on the table in front of them. I looked at each of my brothers.

“I can see from the grim faces you’ve heard what’s going on with Stormy.”

Each brother nodded.

“When are we going to gut this fucker?” King asked.

“As soon as we find him. Wizard, what do you have for me?”

“Turd should have a record, but Daddy’s money took care of that. Tyler Edwin Barnes, the second, is the current governor of Indiana. His pockets run too deep for him not to be dirty.”

Bug piped up, “Send me what you have and I’m on it.”

“As soon as church is over,” Wizard replied. “I have more on turd. He got sent to boarding school when he was fifteen. I have feelers out on a couple previous staff members. I want to know why the apple of Daddy’s eye is suddenly sent to a school in Switzerland. As for his recent trail. There’s not much. The guy is using cash. No dings on his card in the last week. Unless he’s using someone else’s card. He’s not using his dad’s either. I’d like Sentry to look at her house. Personally, I think turd has a key, and I think he paid the landlord for it. One Thomas James. Seems he went on a sudden vacation to the Bahamas. He’s due back next week.”

One by one, my brothers weighed in on Stormy’s predicament.

We had a firm plan in place by the time we left church nearly two hours later.