Page 42 of Gambit's Queen

“Snickers martinis!” I cried.

“Yas, girl. I sent Papa a text with a list of what we needed. Half Pint lost his shit when he saw the dozens of recipes.”

“Ours is best.”

Nola stood beside me, looking at the bottles.

“What are we making besides Snickers martinis?”


“All this goes in one drink?”

“Yes, there are seven kinds of alcohol. It’s fantastic. It’ll also sneak up on you and kick you in the ass. Fair warning after the third one, ladies.”

“I haven’t had a sleepover since fifth grade,” Chardonnay said.

“I’ve never had one,” Fallon added.

“Me either,” Kelsi said.

“Why don’t we plan one?” I suggested.

Nola smiled. “This is the perfect girl group.”

“We’re missing someone,” I said.

“Who?” Chardonnay asked.

“My new hairstylist.”

“Girl, your hair does look fab. When did you get it done?” Willow asked.

“Yesterday. Gambit sent me to Magnifique for the day.”

“My big brother is the best. He used to let me paint his nails and put make-up on him.”

“No way!” Kelsi said.

“I’d show you pics, but he might kill me.”

“You can show me later,” I said.

“You got it. Who did your hair?”

“Dmitri. He’s divine. I’m in love.”

The look on Nola’s face was priceless.

“Did you adopt another gay man, Stormy?” Willow asked, laughing.

“You know they adopt me first.”

Willow chuckled, shaking her head. I made martinis and we dug into the chocolate. Three pitchers later, we were all sloshed.

“We need a name,” Nay cried out at a lull in the conversation.

Fallon perked up in her seat, “Yes, something cool like Coven.”