Page 23 of Gambit's Queen

“True,” he said, setting the box down on a table in the office.

“I’ll go get us some plates while you get settled in.”

I walked around behind the L-shaped workstation. It was made of mahogany and polished to a sheen. A high back leather chair sat behind it and a new top of the line HP sat on top the desk. The station also had a new wireless multi-purpose printer. None of it had been here yesterday. When I slid the keyboard open, I found a sticky note from Wizard with my user ID and temporary password. By the time I powered the computer on and changed my password, Papa came back in.

He carried a stack of plates, forks and napkins. Along with a card sized envelope and a white rose. After putting the plates on the table, he came to me, handing me the rose and the envelope.

“Gambit was called away on business last night. He’ll be back Sunday and wants to take you to brunch. It’s a radio silent mission and he didn’t want to wake you last night.”

I had questions. Lots of them, but they could wait until Gambit returned. How thoughtful he sent me a rose and card. Papa turned his attention to the food, and I brought it close to my face to inhale the scent. It was fresh and fragrant. Roses were my favorite flower. I had memories of my paternal grandmother. Early ones. Before Dad died. She grew these amazing pink roses.

White roses represent new beginnings and young love, among a few other things. Gambit got called away, but how incredibly thoughtful to give me a flower and a note instead of a text.

I quickly opened the card.

I’m sorry I was suddenly called away. I’ll explain when I get back. I’ll pick you up at ten for brunch.


P.S. I’m blown away and honored to be your first kiss

‘You should be kissed often, and by someone who knows how.’

He just quotedGone With the Wind. I have a love-hate relationship with that movie. It always galled me the way the writer ended it. Honestly, as a fellow author, I respect her talent. I just wanted a happy ending.

Papa interrupted my thoughts. “Damn, these are good. Where did you get them?”

“A place called Cauldron Cakes in Tremé. Not far from where I live. I have a business card.”

The rolls and brownies were long gone by ten. A prospect brought in lunch. I’m not sure which one. I was on a phone call with a supplier, so they put it on my desk and left. I worked until six or seven before going to the guy’s clubhouse and helping with dinner. By the time I dropped into bed at midnight, I was exhausted.

The pattern continued the rest of the week. Each morning I’d find a new gift on my doorstep with no note. When I arrived at the office, Papa would hand me a note and flowers. On Tuesday, Gambit gave me a black t-shirt that had gold lettering that read ‘I’m His Queen’. The crown above the Queen was made entirely of tiny rhinestones. It sparkled when the light hit it. I wore it on Wednesday.


This has to be a dream, right?Butterflies fluttered in my stomach, thinking about him. I checked the clock on my phone for perhaps the dozenth time today and it’s only six a.m. Gambit was picking me up in three and a half hours. I took Honu on an hour-long walk earlier this morning and put the baked goods I made in containers that fit into the saddlebags on Gambit’s bike. Only problem, I had to buy containers that would fit and protect the food. Between that and the new outfit I bought from the thrift shop; I had twenty bucks until payday.

Thankfully, I had a full tank of gas and my vehicle got amazing in-town mileage. Daisy also uses a cheaper fuel alternative. It’s a dollar-twenty cheaper than unleaded, right now. Of course, Daisy might coast to work on payday. Who cares? Not me. If I could only get these damn butterflies to calm the fuck down.

This last week I received not only daily flowers and notes but also small gifts. The Queen t-shirt, some gourmet coffee, chocolates, a gift card to a dispensary, ‘The Baron’s Best’. Friday, Gambit pulled out all the stops, first he had Papa take me, Decker, Saber, and Cosmo to the Commander’s Palace for lunch. Decker and Saber are two of three brothers in the club that own Jackson and Sons construction company. Their dad retired a few years ago. With the help of the club, they took the company from a single crew to the third largest company in the surrounding area.

I know all of this because their sister, Willow, is my bff. She’s the one who suggested me for the job. Thanks to her, I found the man of my dreams. It’s early, I realize, but gah! I think I'm head over heels in love with the man. From daily notes, including some of my favorite love poems, to a day at a salon spa. Oh yeah, that was the next part of my surprise.


My morning started at seven thirty at the ‘Magnifique’. An exclusive spa on Canal Street. The spas owner and five-star stylist greeted me with a smile. He ushered me inside with a flourish. Handing me a glass of champagne before giving Honu a pat and half a filet mignon. Before kissing me on the cheek.

“I’m Dmitri. You’ll be at my tender mercies all day. If I’m not performing the treatment, I’ll be supervising. Consider me your bestie for the day.”

Dimitri was a dead ringer for 2020’s Greek Bachelor, Panagiotis Vasilakos. Bernie and I watched the entire season together. Thank Goddess for subtitles. My bestie had a serious crush on Vasilakos. I’d put Dimitri at 32, with deep golden eyes, dark hair and a well-groomed three day growth.

“I’m Stormy. Pleased to be at your mercy.”

“Oh, well done love. We should test this Bestie title out after today.”

“I’d love to.”

“Good. We have all day to discuss it.”