Page 20 of Gambit's Queen

Chapter 11


Iwoke up screaming, gasping for air. My hands went to my throat. Hot tears ran freely down my cheeks. It was only a dream. Ty wasn’t here trying to strangle me. Soft fur up against my arm comforted me. I reached out, wrapping my arms around the dog’s giant neck before burying my head in his fur and weeping.

It wasn’t the first time I’d soaked his fur with my tears and I doubt it would be the last. When the tears finally stopped, I hit the button on my phone to check the time.

3:11 am.

I sighed, getting out of bed. Sleep is an impossibility at this point.

“Let me get a quick shower, and we can go for a walk.” I said to Honu on my way to the shower. The dog looked as if he understood me and followed me to the bathroom, stopping outside the door. Thirty minutes later, I was dressed and Honu was on his leash. We wandered around the neighborhood.

I stopped into a bodega a few blocks from the house, getting a large bottle of water and a banana. Honu got the first drink via the collapsible bowl I had clipped to my belt. Between the two of us, we made quick work of both.

My phone said it was just after five a.m. We wandered back toward the house. I stopped in another bodega and bought brownie ingredients. Chocolate is heaven. And heaven should be shared. I can take the pan with me to work. Most of the men handling the remodel were a part of the Voodoo Kings. I was sure they’d love the brownies. They couldn’t get enough of the food I made last night.

A few blocks from the house, the smell of cinnamon led me to a bakery I hadn’t noticed before. The sign read:Cauldron Cakes.

A bell above the door rang as I led Honu inside. He’s a registered service dog. I wore his ID around my neck on a lanyard. Although I didn’t have his vest, he had tags on. Bernie’s last gift to me was to get Honu qualified as a service animal and registered in my name. He’s trained for my PTSD. Another gift from my stepbrother. Thanks to his years of terrorizing me.

The smell on the inside is a thousand times better than the scent on the sidewalk that drew me here. Cinnamon, butter and maple combined to make my mouth water. I searched the case for my favorite flavors. One case had over a dozen different kinds of cinnamon rolls.

“What can I get for you today?”

I stood up to see who greeted me. A young woman around my age. Her black hair was pulled back in a ponytail fastened at the nape. It was impossibly long, hanging past her ass. She was nearly a foot shorter than my five feet eleven inches. I’d guess her to be around five feet. As an author I spent a lot of time studying faces; she appeared to be Chinese.

What can I say? As an author, I’m obsessed with descriptions and fascinated with nearly everything. If the paranormal existed, I’d say I’m a cat in human form. Always curious, always asking questions, or staring too long. I carefully kept my eyes on the baked goods after looking at the beautiful woman behind the counter. She would make a good character in a love story.

“Everything looks and smells delicious.”

“Is this your first time in?”

“It is.”

She offered her hand to me. “I’m Fallon, head baker and co-owner. Welcome to Cauldron Cakes. I have the cinnamon rolls on special today. A dozen for only thirty dollars.”

Thirty dollars is a great price, but it took a chunk of my remaining cash. I’d gone through most of my savings to move here and my new release wouldn’t be out for two more months. I published as an indie author, which meant my royalties were paid two months behind.

Thank Goddess Willow got me the job with the Voodoo Kings. I only had to stretch my funds for two weeks. Once I got paid, I could finally buy some new clothes. I had to leave everything behind. The night I left, I’d loaded Honu and his belongings into the Escape that had been Bernie’s. I drove, letting the road and fate guide me to New Orleans.

The crew would love them, so I splurged.

“I’ll take a dozen mixed. Is that maple cream cheese frosting?”

“It is. I’ll include an extra one for you. A welcome to the bakery.”

“Thank you. I’m sure I’ll be back. When the construction crew tastes these, they will stalk your store.”

She laughed and began boxing the enormous rolls. “I’ll include cards.”


THE BROWNIES WERE STILLwarm in the pan when I arrived at the work site. Still paranoid about the window, I brought Honu with me. My house had nothing in it that couldn’t be replaced. Although this morning I did a third check to ensure all windows and doors were locked when we left. Honu raced ahead of me to the double front metal doors. The door swung open, surprising me. I nearly dropped the large bakery box and a warm pan of brownies.

Papa smiled and steadied the boxes in my hands. “You’re early. Let me help you.”