I snuck up behind her, plucking one of the sandwiches hot from the oven as she sliced them up on the tray. Before taking a bite, I dropped a kiss on her cheek. She turned around, startled. I smiled, stuffing half the small sandwich in my mouth. Garlic and butter hit my taste buds before the saltiness of the ham. Melted cheese and a hint of spicy mustard finished the bite.
“This is fucking amazing. Half Pint, did you and the bunnies make this?”
“No, Prez. Stormy made it all.”
“All? What else did you make, gorgeous?” I asked, slipping my arms around her from behind and pulling her into my body. My lips hovered just above her ear. She shivered, and I doubt she’s cold.
“I made American goulash, sliders, dinner rolls, and two kinds of dessert.”
“We get dessert?” Ito asked, walking into the kitchen.
The big Hawaiian stood ten inches over six feet and was nearly as wide. He stopped in front of Stormy, taking a deep inhale of the food cooking.
“What did you make, Stormy?”
“I made persimmon pudding and Mississippi mud cake.”
Ito dropped to his knees, taking Stormy’s hands in his.
“Will you marry me?” he blurted out.
I growled, “Get the fuck up off the floor. No, she won’t.”
“Don’t I get to answer?” Stormy asked. An amused look on her face.
“No, because you’re not marrying him. You’re going to marry me.”Did I just fucking say that out loud?I did and I’m sticking to it. I hadn’t even tasted her food, or her pussy, but I knew she was mine.
“Am I?”
I turned her around, kissing her until we were both breathless, and she leaned up against me for support.
“We should eat before the rest of your brothers clean us out,” Stormy suggested.
“You go sit. You cooked all of this. I’ll fix our plates.”
I swatted her on the ass, watching us walk out of the kitchen. As soon as she left, I turned my attention to Ito.
“Never touch my woman again, or I’ll cut your mother's fucking hand off and feed it to you.”
I heard Papa chuckle.
“Oh, you got it bad.”
“Bad enough she’s coming to dinner with me Sunday.”
“Does she know that?”
“Yes, I asked her.”
“You just met this girl, Gambit.”
“I did, and I know she’s for me. The one. I remember Pops telling me about him and Mom falling in love. He said it was like lightning struck him. She’s my lightning.”
“You better go save your lightning. I saw Bay and Stazie headed toward the common room.”
I grabbed a tray and loaded it with two bowls of goulash, several sandwiches, and two pieces of each dessert. When I pushed the doors open, I found Stormy surrounded by Bay, Stazie, and Gretchen.