Page 15 of Gambit's Queen

“I am so fucked,” he mumbled more to himself.

“What’s up Half Pint?”

“None of the girls want to cook, and if I feed Gambit takeout, he’s going to have my balls.”

“He’ll be pissed at them, but you’ll be toast,” Wizard said with a grin.

“What do you have on hand to cook?” I asked.

All eyes turned to me.

“You cook?” Half Pint asked with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

“I do. Show me the kitchen.”

Sliding off the stool, I followed Half Pint into the kitchen. He stood to one side while I rummaged around the fridge and cupboards.

“First problem. Y’all need food. How many are we feeding?”


“I’ll need a ride to the store, then to my place to let my dog out.”

“I’ll take you,” Wizard spoke up.

“Half Pint, go get Pinky. You two can drive another cage. Time to stock the shelves.”

Chapter 9


Iwas headed back tothe club after meeting with Jaxon Stone, one of the city's detectives. A mother came in to report her seventeen-year-old daughter missing. The girl didn’t show up for school. The department blew her off. Jackson took her seriously. It’s the third girl around the same age that’s disappeared in the last three weeks. The other two girls had yet to be found. As soon as we get back, I’ll get Wizard on it. Hopefully, none of the guys gave Stormy a hard time while I was gone, and not one motherfucker better touch my woman either.

That thought had me twisting my throttle and letting the road fly by me at a faster pace. Cosmo pulled open the gate, letting me pass without stopping. I backed my bike into my space and headed toward the clubhouse.

My stomach rumbled, reminding me it was dinnertime. Half Pint better have figured out dinner or he and the bunnies would be out on their asses tonight. The smell of garlic and cheese hit my nose as soon as I opened the door. Heading directly into the kitchen, I found my woman dancing around the kitchen with a large pan of something from the oven in her hands. She wore a cropped purple shirt, jeans that hugged her ass and the rest of her curves to perfection. Purple high-top Converse. Wonder where she got those from. Someone had the kitchen radio turned up and Three Doors Down’s ‘Kryptonite’ blared through the speakers.