Page 86 of Ruthless Vengeance

I let out a dark chuckle that has Rogers’ eyes widen. “Oh, but I do, Rogers. Ten years ago, I told you that if you ever came near me or my sister again, I’d kill you. And here we are.” This time I don’t just nick his skin, I slice right through his t-shirt to his chest below in one smooth swipe. His hands come up, gripping his chest where blood begins to seep through his fingers.

“Roxy,” Star says my name, and I look up at her.

“Make it fucking hurt,” she tells me, climbing to her feet. “I’m going to get help and release the girls.”

She leaves the room, pushing the door closed a fraction, and I turn back to Rogers.

“I think you need to know what it feels like to lose an ear, then a pinkie finger. And then I’m going to take away your most important…” My words trail off as I hear a noise outside the door, a struggle and muffled talking. But more than anything, it’s the waft of Old Spice turning up my nose that has panic rising in my chest.


A second later the door crashes open, revealing James with his hand covering Star’s mouth and a gun to her head.

“Hello,daughter,” he drawls, stepping further into the room as Star struggles against him. “It seems like your help isn’t coming. I think poor Zak might be having a little trouble breathing right now.”

Rogers laughs beneath me, and without even looking I swipe my blade across his stomach. James’ eyes widen then narrow as Rogers lets out a piercing cry.

“What the fuck did you do?” I scream, preparing to strike Rogers again.

“Oh, Roxy, it’s a real shame that you think holding Rogers hostage will ensure your sister’s life.”

“What the fuck, Jimmy,” Rogers cries, and James offers him nothing but a shrug.

“You’ve become a liability, Don. Your little vendetta and your big mouth have brought too much heat on me lately. But I appreciate your help in getting rid of the Lawlers.” Rogers curses and begins flailing under my foot. Stamping down hard on his chest, the air whooshes out of him in a grunt.

“Then let her go. Just you and me, Daddy fucking dearest.”

He chuckles, and in his moment of distraction, I see the move before she even makes it. Star slams her elbow into James’ stomach, and he releases her momentarily. Before I can stop him, he grabs her arm, spinning her round and backhands her with the hand holding the gun. She stumbles, tripping over Rogers’ fucking legs and falls to the floor, hitting her head on the side of the bed.

James’ eyes follow her as she goes down, and I fucking strike. Of course, James might look suave and unable to fight his way out a wet paper bag, but you don’t walk in this world without learning to fight. His arm comes up blocking my strike, but I twist just enough to slash down his arm. The blade so fucking sharp it cuts right through his coat.

He hisses, sucking in a breath before letting out a laugh. I take a quick glance behind me to see Rogers attempting to get to his feet. If that happens then I’ve got no fucking chance. I mean, I can fight, handle myself, but against two grown men? Yeah, I’d rather not find out the answer to that fucking question.

I look to Star, who is still laid out on the floor. Her chest rising with each breath, but there’s already a small bruise blooming on her cheek and a trickle of blood at her temple.

Rogers has made it to his feet, but is bent over, and I step back, giving him a shove and swipe his feet again. Honestly, the guy should hit the gym. But the bigger they are the harder they fall, and he does, right back to where he belongs on the fucking ground.

James has his gun pointed at me, but I need Rogers incapacitated, and as James doesn’t give a shit about Rogers, I bend and give him two quick jabs with my blade, right in his arse cheek, then jump back.

His cries make me smile, feeding the darkness that’s always been there just beneath the surface and making me even more determined to fuck these two up. I don’t give a shit that I share DNA with James, the man is a fucking monster.

And monsters are created for one thing only, to be fucking slayed.

“Come on, Dad, you going to shoot me? Then what the fuck you waiting for?” I taunt him, holding my hands up with a come-on motion.

His face twists into a cruel smirk. “I should have fucking killed you a long time ago. I was almost pleased when I heard you were joining the force. I had plans for you, but then you went and fucking shamed me with that damn name change. Ever since, you’ve been a fucking thorn in my side. I’ve lost count of how much fucking money you’ve cost me, how many deals you’ve fucked up, but I held off making you disappear.”

“Aww, poor fucking you. You’ve cost me something money can never replace. You cost me a happy childhood, a life with my mum and sister. All because you’re a sick fucking cunt who gets his kicks with little girls. There is no way you can come out of this any other way than guilty, so if I pay with my life, I’ll die happy. And you, as you once promised me, will rot in a cell, always looking over your shoulder and at the mercy of men who have murdered dozen, sometimes hundreds, of women but think what you do is beyond sick. So, go on, pull the fucking trigger,” I goad him more. Part of me thinks I must have lost my mind, but the bigger part is fighting for the justice I deserve, for my sister and what she’s suffered because of him, for my mum, and for Zak and Maddox.

Raising the gun, his grip firm and pointed just right to hit me between the eyes, I wait for my death. Seconds that feel like minutes tick by, and I hear my breath slow as I wait.

“Say hi to your mother, Roxy,” James says, and he pulls the trigger.

I wait for the pain to hit, but it never comes, the bullet whizzing over my head. There’s a booming roar of pain as James falls to the floor, clutching his leg. I look past him to see Star with my gun still raised in her hands, although a little limply now.

I bend down, picking up James’ gun and clock him round the head with it. There’s a crack as metal meets bone, and he falls to the side unconscious. Star’s bullet hit right behind his knee, blowing it to smithereens, and is exactly where I had intended to shoot Rogers earlier.

A groan comes from behind me, but I ignore it a moment as I check Star.