Page 80 of Ruthless Vengeance

“I know why Rogers is so fucking pissed at you. Your trafficking case blew his client list to pieces and made it difficult for him to move the…”

“Kids, Tommy. Fucking kids. Little girls. What the fuck is wrong with you if you think any of this is okay?” I shout, spinning round to face him.

“Screw you, Roxy fucking Whitmore. You don’t know shit about my life, Sammy’s life. Living where we did and having shit for parents. I bet you grew up in a posh fucking house with nice clothes and shit.”

“Ha-ha. Is that what you think?” I laugh and it even sounds maniacal to my own ears. Tommy moves back in his seat, shocked by my reaction. “I grew up on an estate just like yours, Tommy. I had a drug addict for a mother, and I’m guessing you already know who my cunt of a father is, right?” His eyes widen, and he nods. “Right. Rogers murdered my mother. Rogers kidnapped my little sister and fucking sold her in an auction. And you think that I don’t know anything about your life.”

“Roxy, enough.” Zak moves in front of me, blocking my view of Tommy, who looks like he might actually piss himself. I try to get past him, waving my bat towards Tommy, but Maddox joins Zak and takes the bat from me. Between the two of them, they begin to steer me out of the room while I continue to shout at Tommy.

Arms wrap around me, but I shove them off and move away. “I’m fine. I’m fine. Just…give me a minute,” I tell them as I step out the back door.

Resting my hands on my hips, I take a couple of deep breaths trying to calm the storm inside me.

“What was that, Roxanne?” Maddox asks, stepping in front of me.

“I don’t know. Something…something feels off.” I can’t explain it, but deep in my gut something doesn’t feel right.

“Explain,” Zak demands.

“I can’t place it. Like nothing exact just little things that make me feel as though this is too easy.” I look at Zak, then Maddox. “It’s been a couple of days since my last call with James, but there’s been nothing from him since. There’s not been anything from Rogers either. He took Rocky and killed Lila to get your attention, then silence. Why? It just feels off.” I pace, then turn back to them. “Laskin said that Rogers is aware of the meet with Bonner, and Tommy just confirmed it to him, right? But what if Laskin’s walking into a trap?”

Maddox frowns, rubbing a hand over his stubbly chin. “That’s been a possibility from the start, Roxanne, so what are you saying?”

Kavanagh steps out and opens his mouth to speak, but I beat him to it.

“Call Connor.” He frowns but pulls his phone free to call him. It rings and rings before going to voicemail. He calls again but I know there’s no point.

Pulling my own phone from my pocket, I call Smithy. It just rings and rings like Connor’s. I look to Maddox as I press call again, and he now has his phone out and is calling Maria.

After trying them all a couple more times with no answer from anyone, I call Mitch. He answers on the third ring.

“Roxy, what’s going on?”

“Something’s wrong, Mitch. Connor isn’t answering his phone, and neither are Smithy or Maria.”

“Okay, where are you?”

“Where we are meant to be, but something feels wrong. I don’t like it.”

“I’ll go to the house, but don’t do anything till you hear from me.” I’m nodding though he can’t see me, and Maddox is waving at me to give him the phone.

“I won’t. Maddox wants to talk to you.”

“Put him on.”

I go to hand the phone over, then stop and bring it back to my ear. “Mitch.”

“Yeah, what is it?”

“Be careful,” I say, swallowing down the lump in my throat.

“You too. Now, put Maddox on.”

I pass the phone over and my earlier pacing starts up again but more frantic this time as I try to listen to Maddox giving Mitch instructions, but nothing is going in and that lump in my throat won’t budge because I know that something is very fucking wrong.

A body steps in front of me, halting me. I look up as hands grip my arms.

“Hey. I know what you’re thinking but you need to stop. You’re smarter than to let it get inside your head.”