Page 72 of Ruthless Vengeance

Rox steps forward and it takes everything in me to let her. “That would have been my methods. I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced.”

“Ah, Miss W—”

“Lawler,” she says, cutting him off.

He tilts his head to her. “Very well, Miss Lawler. What else did our little friend share with you?”

“Now, that would be telling. But I think we can help each other, so let’s cut the crap. I don’t do games, Mr Laskin.”

Cop and vigilante unite. It’s fucking stunning to watch.

Rox carries on. “Shall I tell you what I think? I think that Rogers wanted you on side, but you’d already picked your side a long time ago. He tried to pit you and the Lawlers against one another, and when that didn’t work, he thought he’d found a way to manipulate you, but that backfired too. Let’s see, am I close?”

“You’re very close, Miss Lawler. Please continue,” he tells her, almost intrigued.

“Before I do, let’s make it very clear that I’m the only person who knows where your most treasured belonging is.” She waits, and Laskin doesn’t disappoint, giving her a nod. “You made a deal with Theo long before he died. I believe that you and he orchestrated a truce or pact to go against Rogers, to eliminate Theo’s own son.”

“Very smart, Miss Lawler. We both lost someone we loved, and love is a very powerful motivator. Wouldn’t you agree?” This time it’s Rox that nods. “There were forces that prevented us from going ahead with our original plan and a new one was made. Theo found an inside man but refused to tell me who. He, how do you say it, kept his cards close to his chest?” Another nod. “It is not normally in my nature to be kept in the dark or be so patient, but it is what was best, and I trusted Theo knew what he was doing. After his death, I received a letter, instructions from Theo. He told me that you, Miss Lawler, would be the most important piece of this puzzle. And I do believe he was right.” He smiles at her, and it earns him a growl of disapproval from Maddox, who has been unusually quiet until now.

“Get to the fucking point, Laskin,” Maddox barks.

Laskin chuckles. “I have no interest in your lady, Maddox. I’m simple stating a truth that any man with eyes can see. I have set in place a meet with Bonner for tomorrow evening, but it has not gone unnoticed. Rogers is aware.”

“How the fuck do you know that?” I demand, but as I say the words, the pieces click into place. I wait to see what Laskin’s answer is.

“Come on now, Zak. I’m sure I don’t need to spell it out for you. I understand why you might not want it to be true.” His gaze flicks to Rox.

“Noah,” Rox says beneath her breath. “How? Why?”

“You’re not fucking serious! Noah fucking Shaw is Theo’s man.” Maddox explodes, and I understand his anger.

This is a man that was placed in front of Rox to get close to her, work with her, as nothing more than a tool to gather evidence. It’s another betrayal, another lie. And somehow, it’s almost worse than our own because I think Rox believed he cared about her, maybe even loved her. To think that he did it all to get answers must be cutting her deep.

“Rox,” I say, trying to bring her back from her thoughts. I don’t for one second think that she hadn’t already considered this. It’s why hearing him on that recording upset her so much.

She shakes her head, then looks at Laskin. “Rogers wanted a war, then I say let’s fucking give him one.”



I’m bringing the war to Rogers.

To James.

To anyone that thought they could fuck with my life, screw me over, hurt those I love.

The gloves are off.

We spent almost two hours with Laskin last night going over our plan. Is it foolproof? Nothing in this world, in this life, is foolproof. Will it get the job done? Yes.

As long as Laskin sticks to his side of the deal, then we should be good. I don’t really doubt he will because he has as much reason as me, Maddox and Zak, and Theo had to want Rogers dead.

He filled in the gaps on Eva and her sister last night. From what Laskin knows, Rogers’ information was wrong, and he took Eva’s sister, Ella, by mistake. He only knew Laskin had a daughter but the details on her name and age etc were vague. He doesn’t know what happened to Ella, but it’s not hard to figure it out.

I’d spent years looking for a lead or something close to what happened to me and Star but never found anything until four years ago when Eva’s case fell in Mitch’s lap. And again, another piece of the puzzle slots into place.

Four years ago is when I first met Noah, it’s when the man Rogers always believed had Star was shot dead by the police, and it seems it’s when Rogers decided it was time to put into action whatever plan he had in place.