Page 71 of Ruthless Vengeance

“And?” I ask, knowing that’s not all.

“And I found him on several more, including a conversation between him and Theo, but I couldn’t listen to it all.” She averts her gaze.

“Why?” I’m curious about what would stop her from listening to the rest of their conversation, and why she won’t look me in the eye. “Rox?” I place a finger beneath her chin, raising her head. “What is it?”

“It felt wrong listening to it, like I was intruding. I think that you and Maddox should listen to it, and you need to read that letter from Theo too. Maybe even before you listen.”

I look at my watch very much aware that we don’t have time right now.

“I know the timing is off, Zak, but before we go to this meet, I need you to know that if Noah’s there, then you can’t kill him. Not yet.”

“What the fuck, Rox?”

She reaches out a hand, gripping my face, like both Maddox and I have done to her a thousand times. “You just have to trust me. You once asked me to trust you, now I’m asking for the same.”

My nostrils flare, and I feel my jaw clench, but I nod. “Okay, fine. But I ain’t fucking happy about this. And Maddox will be even less happy.”

As if mentioning his name called him here, the door opens and in he steps. His eyes darken as they scan a half-naked Rox before coming to land on me.

“What won’t I be happy about?” he demands, stepping further into the room. There’s a predatory hunger in his eyes as he stalks towards us.

Rox squeezes her thighs together, and whilst I’d love nothing more than to let this play out, we really don’t have time.

“Rox said she doesn’t like getting head, but she’ll happily still blow us whenever we want,” I say indifferently, heading for the bathroom. I pass Rox on the way, who scowls after me and raises her hands in exasperation.

“Hell fucking no!” He grabs hold of her, lifting her up as I disappear into the bathroom. “If I want to eat your pussy, I fucking will, and you’ll enjoy every fucking minute of it. It’s fucking heaven.”

I strip off my shirt and splash water on my face and chuckle at Maddox telling Rox how much he loves eating her out, and I can just picture her trying to keep a straight face.

As I step out of the bathroom, Rox says, “Maddox, shut the fuck up for five minutes and listen.” She places her hands either side of his face. “He’s winding you up. Feel free to go down on me any fucking time you like, Mad.” She pauses, and I can see the thought as clear as day in Maddox’s mind, and so can Rox because she says, “But just not now. We have somewhere to be.” Wanting to appease him, she leans in and kisses him. Then I hear her whisper, “Later.”

Clearly not the answer he was looking for, he tears her thong from her body and drops her down on the bed, then spreading her legs wide, he buries his face in her still wet folds.

I make it as far as the door before I’m turning around, undoing my trousers and joining them on the bed.


We arrive late thanks to our little bedroom escapade and having to double back on ourselves to make sure we aren’t followed.

Laskin is waiting beside his car and only has two other bodies with him. Both of them big bastards and not guys you’d want to face off against.

Stepping from the car, one half of the large doors at the front of the building opens and there stands Mickey.

“You’re late,” Mickey says to Rox as she reaches him.

She ignores his dig, but she also doesn’t make any moves to greet him like someone who knows him all that well.

“A woman’s prerogative, Mickey, and not just on her wedding day.” She strides right past him as he moves to the side, permitting us entry.

Once everyone is inside, Mickey closes the door and joins us. Taking a look around the old bell foundry, it’s not hard to picture it in its heyday. Cast iron beams are still in place along with some of the shelving racks, and off to the right are even a couple of large bells, the metal dulled from dust and age.

We automatically split into our respective groups, taking a side of the room, with Mickey in the middle to mediate.

Silence falls like a curtain around us as we wait to see who will make the first move. Not so surprising is that it’s Maddox who speaks up.

“A weasel told me a sly little fox is wanting to meet.”

“Seems the last remaining Evans, if he isstillalive, needs a lesson in keeping his mouth shut, although I’m sure you were persuasive in getting him to talk.”