Page 82 of Ruthless Vengeance

“I don’t understand,” I say to Kavanagh.

“As you know I had a significant stash of gear at one of my warehouses. Looks likesomeonehad the place raided, and as it’s in my name, I would have been looking at a nice stretch inside. But I had it moved. I’d have been an idiot to have left it there knowing Rogers knew the location.”

“So where is it now?” Maddox asks.

“It’s safe. For now. But I have a plan that will require your permission later, if in fact the plan is needed at all. We have something more important to deal with first.”

“Nice, Kavanagh. He would have had you locked up and then used his connections to get the gear back losing nothing yet getting you removed from the equation.”

“Exactly. Now that Maddox has sorted the issue of the watcher over the road, I have a suggestion.”


Kavanagh, having called a clean-up crew, drove the dead guy’s BMW, and Zak, with a very fucked off Tommy, who is currently enjoying a ride in the boot of Zak’s car, went to the safe house. As we suspected, Smithy’s phone was there, but no sign of him, Maria or Star. Rogers left his obligatory note and a small box as a gift.

Turns out the box contained a pinkie finger and an ear, which belong to Rocky according to the note. Rogers took great pleasure in bragging about knowing our plan and where we were when Tommy called to tell him about the meet between Laskin and Bonner.

It’s a shame he’s not smart enough to realise that when you delight in telling your enemy how easily you thwarted their plan, you invariably disclose small details of your own.

As Laskin mentioned the other night, Rogers was aware of his meeting with Bonner, something that Laskin and Noah had discussed and decided, like us, to let slip in order to eliminate Bonner by outing him to Rogers.

But it seems that somehow Rogers worked out what we were up to, or he might have suspected that was Laskin’s plan too. It’s no secret that Laskin hasn’t played along as Rogers wanted. And now Rogers has no leverage since we removed Eva and Axel, this would make the perfect time to take Laskin down.

It’s most likely that we didn’t lose our tail like we thought the night we met Laskin, therefore tipping Rogers off that we were working with him.

Now the tables are turning again, and this time in our favour.

After Zak and Kavanagh found Rocky’s pinkie and ear, they split up. Kavanagh went to check out something but refused to say what, and Zak went back home to meet Mitch and go through the audio and video files for anything we missed. They discovered the huge amount of evidence that Theo had amassed in not only the year before his death and working with Noah, but also in the years before that.

They also discovered Noah’s reasons for wanting to get involved in the first place. Turns out that one of the cops that attended the house Bowser followed his brother Todd to was Noah’s best friend, Officer Mark Dewson. After Mark was found dead, Noah and Theo crossed paths and began putting all their information together. We still don’t know how Noah came to be on the take for Rogers and James, but Zak said it was clear from their conversations that Noah was all about destroying both Rogers and James and prepared to do whatever it took.

I guess there’s some comfort in the fact that it wasn’t Noah’s choice or down to Theo that Noah and I met. James placed Noah in my path to get close to me thinking that I might lead them to Star.

When I ran a search on Rogers’ earlier and he showed as being at a property in Surrey, like Tommy had mentioned, Maddox asked Zak to check the papers that were in the envelope from Theo. Apparently, the envelope contained Theo’s Will too. It was a good call because we discovered that Theo owned a property in Epsom that neither of the guys knew about. If Rogers has Star, Smithy and Maria anywhere then it will be there.

It is the reason we asked Laskin to bring forward the meet time with Bonner and why Maddox and I have been parked up the road from Rogers’ house in Epsom for the last hour making sure that Rogers doesn’t leave.

When Maddox receives a message from Zak to say that Bonner just turned off for Sutton, we know he’ll be arriving at the warehouse in the next ten minutes or so, and Zak is now on his way here, leaving Laskin and Bowser to deal with Bonner.

Rogers has no fucking idea what’s coming his way.



Thump, thump.

I ignore the thumping coming from the boot as I watch Bonner leaving his house. He has a couple of the Acers with him and as soon as they drive away, I follow behind. We had Laskin send a message to Bonner and bring the time of the meet forward by an hour.

Thump, thump.

“Give it a fucking rest would you, Tommy.”

“I can’t fucking breath in here, man. Let me out. I’ll help,” comes Tommy’s muffled voice from the boot.

“You’ve been in there for the past two hours, if you couldn’t breathe, you wouldn’t still be giving me a fucking headache. And you’ve helped enough.”

He hasn’t helped at all. I almost feel sorry for him, but then I remember he’s been helping Rogers from the start. Maddox thinks it was him that told Rogers about Axel and Eva. I don’t bother asking because it doesn’t matter. Tommy’s whining about not be able to breathe is most likely a premonition of how his nights’ going to go.