Page 48 of Ruthless Vengeance

“Good. He fucking better not be double crossing us. I let Axel go against my better judgment and because a certain fucking blond convinced me, but there’s not fucking escaping for B if he’s betrayed us. Or Rocky for that matter.”

Maddox heads toward Lila’s, putting his foot to the floor with a look of pure malice on his face. This is why I didn’t tell him before the meet with Bonner. Bonner already tried to lure him into a fight inside The Watchtower last time, and this time he wouldn’t have needed much encouragement if he’d known about Rocky.

“You never screwed at Lila’s then?” he asks.

“Really, Mad? Fuck off if that’s the best you can come up with?”

He sighs and rubs a hand down his face. I know he’s just spoiling for a fight because he’s scared and pissed, and it’s not just about Rocky or Lila.

We pull up to the address Ripley gave us and something triggers Maddox as he grabs his phone, scrolling through until he finds what he’s looking for.

“Well fuck!” he says.

“What’s up?”

He passes me the phone. “Mitch gave me this address earlier this morning as a location for Rocky. I planned to check it out after we had visited Mr Jenkins, but it seems we’re already fucking here.”

Giving him his phone back, we climb from the car. After knocking a couple of times with no answer, it’s clear the place is empty.

“You want me to pick the lock?”

“Do it. Even if she’s not here then we might find something.”

I run back to the car for the small set of lock picking tools we always have in the car and then set to work. It takes me barely two minutes to get the door open. Immediately I’m hit by a sense of foreboding, and I know that something isn’t right.

Maddox pulls his piece from beneath his jacket, and I pull out my blade from my ankle holster. Maddox steps in first, and I notice that the place smells of coffee and toast, which means someone was here not long ago. Might still be here.

Each taking a side of the narrow passageway, we move toward the first door on my side. It’s open and reaching it, I peek my head round and scan the room. The small lounge is empty, so I nod to Maddox, and we keep moving. The next two rooms, a small bathroom and galley kitchen, are both empty too.

We head for the last door at the end of the hall on the left, which is my side. A car alarm blares outside and both Maddox and I turn to look back toward the front door.

I push the door open further and am met with a sight that turns even my stomach. The bedroom is trashed, and the back wall is sprayed with blood, it drips down the walls showing how fresh it is. The once fresh white linen of the bed is now a canvas of red and in the middle lying on her back is a naked Lila.

I go to step forward, but Maddox stops me with a tug on my arm. When I turn to look at him, he points to the blood slowly staining the beige carpet a dirty rust brown colour.

His phone pings, and slowly putting his gun away, he pulls his phone free from his back pocket. His eyes darken as I watch him read the message.

“This will be fucking interesting.” He taps me and indicates for us to leave the room. I turn back to Lila, hang my head then follow Maddox.

We duck inside the kitchen just as the sound of a man calling Lila’s name echoes through the partly open front door followed by footsteps racing down the hall toward her bedroom.

He bursts into her room, and I don’t need him to turn around to know who it is. His distinctive hair cut with the tram lines carved deep into the sides is a dead giveaway.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he roars, stepping further into the room.

I walk forward as Bowser stands there, hands on his head, staring at Lila lying dead in the middle of her bed.

I’ve still got my blade in my hand and as I step up behind him, he’s completely oblivious to anything around him, the tip of my blade meets the centre of his back.

He startles, then stills in an instant, not even daring to drop his hands with my knife digging deeper into his back.

“What the fuck are you doing here, B?”

“Zak, man, this is not what it looks like,” he stutters.

“And how is that exactly? Because from where I’m standing, it looks like you’re not where Maddox told you to be, and I’m wondering when you got so friendly with Lila that you know where she lives and care now that she’s fucking dead?”

I hear more feet shuffling outside the bedroom door, and I look behind me to see Ripley with Maddox.