Page 46 of Ruthless Vengeance

My first port of call is Tommy Evans.

I grab Zak’s laptop from his room and check in on Star, but she’s asleep and guessing she probably didn’t get much the night before I leave her to rest, then I set to work on my little plan.

It’s a little harder to track someone when you don’t have access anymore, but I have my ways. It takes me about an hour, but I find him eventually with the software that Smithy gave me after I sent him a quick message. A message that had explicit instructions not to tell anyone what I’m up to. After a little more research, I discover he’s at a building down by the docks that the Acers use as their base.

Keeping an eye on him on my phone, I place an order for some new clothes using Zak’s credit card details, which are still saved from last time. Ooops. I’ll make it up to him later.

Putting his laptop back in his room, I spot something that I could use by the door, and it brings a devilish smile to my face.

Picking it up, I test the weight and even give it a couple of swings just to get the feel for it. I’ve no idea why Zak has a baseball bat in his room, but I’m not going to question it as it will work nicely for what I have in mind.

Popping it back for now, I head off downstairs to find something to satisfy my grumbling stomach. Stepping into the kitchen, I find Maria and Star seated at the table drinking tea and platter of sandwiches between them.

“Roxy, come and sit. I’ll make you some tea.”

“Thanks, Maria,” I say, taking a seat next to Star. “You okay? I came to check on you earlier, but you were asleep, and I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“I’m fine, Roxy.”

“Yeah, I’m not buying that. But I’m here when you want to talk.” Maria places a cup down in front of me and joins us. She gestures to the sandwiches, and I pick up a ham salad one, biting into it as an awkward silence falls over the room.

“I don’t want to talk about me or anything heavy, so let’s talk about you instead. More specifically, you and your two childhood best friends,” Star edges with the corner of her mouth curved into a mischievous smile.

“Err…no, we are not discussing that. Besides, there’s nothing to tell.” Maria coughs and tries to hide her laughter behind her hand when I turn my hard gaze on her.

“Oh, please. You three are completely into each other. I think it’s…” Star pauses, and I fill in the gap for her, effectively shutting the conversation off before it’s even begun.

“Complicated and not up for discussion.”

She laughs and grabs another sandwich, taking a bite before she says, “How’s the sandwich, Roxy?” She giggles, and this time Maria doesn’t even attempt to hide her laugh.

“Yes, yes, very amusing,” I say dismissively.

I take a sip of my tea while they get over their laughter at my expense. I actually don’t mind, and it feels so good to be able to laugh despite the serious situation we are in. And I’m still trying to come to terms with having my sister back, but she’s far from the little girl I remember. It is this that leads me to ask my next question.

“Star, I know you don’t want to talk about before, but have you had a good life in Ireland?” I watch her face looking for any change in her expression or unconscious tic that might indicate a problem.

She reaches over to me, resting her hand on mine. “Roxy, the Kavanagh’s took me in and looked after me, made me feel like I belonged. I know you have your reservations about Aiden and his family, about their role in all this, but they are good people, Roxy.” I obviously don’t do a good job of hiding my true feelings. “Come on, Roxy, you’re sharing a bed with not one but both of the notorious Lawler brothers. These are men who were practically hired assassins for Theo and helped him build his drug empire, so I don’t think you’re in any position to judge Aiden.”

“Well, when you put it that way, I guess I’ll shut up and let what happens from here on out do the talking.” As if he heard his name being mentioned, the front door opens and closes, then Kavanagh himself strolls in carrying a large envelope. He scans the room, as though he’s checking everyone over and making sure we are all safe and well. When he places the envelope on the table, I see Zak and Maddox’s names scribbled across the front in elegant but masculine handwriting.

“What’s this?” I ask, reaching to pick it up, and although he tries to stop me, I’m too quick for him. I turn it over in my hands, noting that it’s still sealed. The envelope is weathered and yellowing, which makes me think it’s old. When I read over Zak and Maddox’s names on the front again, I notice more words beneath it, which I read aloud.

“Be brave enough to do what I was unable to, and I hope this information will help you achieve it. What does that mean?”

Taking the envelope back, Kavanagh says, “When Maddox and Zak return, you’ll find out. We’ll all find out.”

“You mean you don’t know what this is or who it’s from?”

“No, you misunderstand, Roxy. I’m very aware of who this is from. However, with regards to the contents itself, I’m very much in the dark.”

I catch Star’s eye as Kavanagh turns to Maria when she asks if he’d like a drink, and she shrugs, clearly no more in the know than the rest of us.

Deciding that now seems to be a good time to slip out and catch up with Tommy, I excuse myself and head back to my room before heading out.

I can guarantee that what I’m about to do won’t go down well with the guys, but I’m a big girl. A big girl that’s finally shed her old skin and is getting comfortable in her new one.
