Page 42 of Ruthless Vengeance

“Jesus, get a damn room. No sister should have to see that,” Star says, her tone humorous and light-hearted.

Breaking the kiss, Roxanne laughs, burying her face in my chest for a moment. Then she taps my chest as she looks up at me, and I give her a slap on the arse before turning and climbing the stairs. That shower is going to need to be of the cold variety now.

When I get back to my room, I find it empty, and the bed stripped with new sheets already on. My mind nor my dick need much in the way of encouragement in conjuring up a picture of Roxanne and Zak in my bed this morning. I shake the image from my mind and storm into the bathroom.

I have a quick shower, and I mean quick. Between the cold water and the intense need to bash one out thanks to images from last night flashing through my head like a fucking slideshow, I don’t linger.

I’m nearing the top of the stairs when I hear a hushed male voice coming from one of rooms down the opposite hall where the door is ajar.

Approaching the door, I recognise the voice as Bowser’s. I’m about to push the door open when something makes me pause.

“She’s here… I don’t fucking know… well, you better hope fucking not…I need to go. I’ll call you later.”

A door opening and closing further down the hall has me looking up to see Smithy walking this way. He frowns when he spots me, and I don’t even attempt to hide the fact I was eavesdropping. Something started the argument between him and Bowser last night, and after hearing that, I’m interested to find out what.

“Smithy,” I greet, making sure it was loud enough for Bowser to hear.


The door beside me opens and Bowser steps out, looking between the two of us. His nose turns up like he smelt something bad, but before he can say anything, Zak rounds the corner.

After a few grunted greetings, we all head downstairs, but before we reach the kitchen, I pull Zak aside.

“Keep an eye on B today. Something’s up with him.”

“What the fuck you talking about, Mad? It’s B, man.”

“Yeah, and just lately our trust and the loyalty of our guys has already been called into question. I’m probably just being paranoid, but just humour me, okay?”

“Fine,” Zak agrees, looking less than impressed.

The kitchen is buzzing with activity when we arrive and the tense atmosphere from earlier is gone for now. Maria is in her element with so many people to look after.

I grab a tea and stand to the side, silently observing. It’s usually Zak’s area of expertise, but as I’m standing here, I’m beginning to see the merits of it.

The only person missing is Mitch, but he’s still busy making sure Bowser’s car wasn’t impounded and trying to identify the poor fucker the Acers used as a decoy shooter. I’m almost certain that Calvin was never meant to make it home last night. Us snatching him just delayed the inevitable.

You can see the clear divides in the room, small little groups that trust one another. Star and Kavanagh are seated at one end of the table, along with Roxanne, while off to the side and behind them is Smithy. Although he’s not seated with them, it’s clear where his loyalty lies. Then there’s Zak and Bowser, who are ribbing Maria as she loads their plates and hands them over.

Zak rounds the table, taking a seat one down from Star. When Bowser turns to join them, Star looks over, and as he sits at the top end of the table, she studies him, and a frown creases her brow. Her attention is broken a moment later when Roxanne says something to her, and she turns back to her.

Scanning the room, my focus lands on Smithy, and I see his focus is completely on Bowser. There is definitely something… My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I pull it free to see it’s Mitch.

Dropping my cup to the counter, I step out of the kitchen as I answer and walk towards the office.

“Everything alright?”

“You at home?”

“Yeah, but it’s a little busy.”

“Okay, well I don’t have time to mess about, so here it is. Bowser’s car is at Logan’s garage, and you can collect anytime you like, just bell him. As for the guy last night, his name is Calvin Burns, 26, no previous other than a couple of cautions as a teen. However, you might like to know that there was another shooting last night identical to yours about an hour later. The body was found this morning at a flat on the outskirts of Westminster. Guy had on Acers colours and the same weapon was used. No ID yet, but I’ll let you know when I do.”

“Fucking grand! He’s the second decoy that was sent to watch this place in case we came back here. What I still don’t fucking know is who the target was. And if the guy who was sent to then take them out was the actual shooter, how the fuck did he miss? The man is a professional.”

“Can’t help you with that, but I did find a location on Rocky for you.”

“And?” I sound ungrateful but I don’t mean to, and Mitch knows that.