Page 28 of Ruthless Vengeance

Before I turn around, I give Kavanagh a very clear nod for him to tell her and add, “Tell her now or I will.” Maddox catches my eye over Rox’s head, and I give a dismissive shake.

Did she miss it. Of course, she fucking didn’t because she’s Roxy Whitmore and rarely misses anything.

“Zak, Kavanagh, what were you talking about?” She continues to look between us, demanding an answer when neither of us speak. “No more fucking secrets. Tell me or I walk out that fucking door and we are done.”

And there it is. The exact reason she needs to know. Because if we let this go any further, Maddox and I will lose her forever. We already kept so much from her and there are still things we need to explain, but these secrets—they are the centre of it all.

Kavanagh clears his throat and takes a seat. Rox remains standing despite Maddox trying to get her to sit.

“Do you know anything about Star’s father?” he asks, voice level and face blank.

After looking pointedly at each of us, attempting to gage some sort of reaction, she says, “No, nothing. I always assumed he was some punter or dealer my mum…anyway, no, I don’t. Why?” The question is hesitant because she’s not stupid and knows, just like when you ask a kid about something and they lie, the only reason you asked in the first place is because they already have the answers.

“Before I tell you anything else you need to understand that this man loved your mother and tried desperately to get her clean and out of that world.”

Rox scoffs. “Well, someone should tell him he didn’t do a very good job.”

Kavanagh nods acknowledging Rox’s comment. “Star’s father was—”

“Theo Rogers,” announces a female voice behind Rox and we all turn.

Despite ten years having passed since I last saw her, I recognise her immediately. And when she stops beside Rox the resemblance is as plain as day.

There’s an eerie hush and the air fills with trepidation as Rox turns to her sister. I think it’s because of Star’s revelation about her father but an explosion of glass and something whizzing through the air past my ear soon shatters that illusion.

A scream rings out as Rox and Star crash to the floor and chaos reigns.



“Star’s father was—”

“Theo Rogers,” announces a female voice behind me. My head turns slowly as I feel Star approaching. It feels as though the words were whispered in a foreign language because that can’t possibly be true.

Theo Rogers is my sister’s father? No.

As Star reaches me, I take a step and turn to face her, to try to understand how this is possible, to confirm I heard her right. I raise my arm and place a hand to her cheek, still a little shocked that she’s here. But I don’t get one word out, not even a syllable, before glass shatters and pain sears through my arm. A scream pierces the unnatural silence that had fallen over the room since her words.

Chaos erupts around me as Star and I fall to the floor.

I land on something soft and a groan breaks through the cacophony of sound around me. I watch a drip of blood fall and splat to the floor beneath me, splashing up onto stark white fabric and bare flesh. As my eyes trail over the material, I see a pool of red seeping out from beneath…what is that? My eyes travel up and my mind catches up just as my sister’s wide eyes meet mine.

“Oh, fuck, Star.” I push myself up onto my knees, ignoring the pain in my arm, and call out for help.


“It’s okay. I’ve got you,” I tell her, as I run my hands and eyes over her body looking for any injuries. When I can’t find one, I panic and search again thinking I’ve missed it. All the while I reassure Star as the pool of blood grows and grows.

Where the fuck is it coming from?

“Roxy. Roxy, it’s not me.”

I can hear a voice, words, but I can’t make them out as my vision blurs. I keep searching, hands clawing at clothing, white quickly turning red…


I feel hands on me now, pulling me away. I can’t let them. I need to stop the bleeding. Need to save Star. Can’t lose her again when I’ve only just found her.