Page 27 of Ruthless Vengeance

“Lay a finger on me,Connor, and you’ll lose the ability to breathe on your own,” Maddox threatens, much to Kavanagh’s amusement. Turning to Kavanagh, he says, “Cut the bullshit, Kavanagh, and get to the fucking point of all this.”

Kavanagh gives a nod to Connor to step back, forgoing the pat down, which is brave considering the fact he has our woman and is obviously more involved than we thought. What doesn’t add up or sit right with me is why Roxy is so willing to comply with Kavanagh. What does he have that’s keeping her here?

Maddox wastes no time in stepping further into the room, making a beeline straight for Kavanagh. Again, it’s Rox that steps between them.

“Stop, Mad.” Her calling him Mad is enough to get his attention. What went down between them in Mickey’s office has changed things. “You don’t like him, I get it. You think he’s betrayed you, I get that too. He’s an arrogant arsehole, for sure.” Kavanagh lets out a derisive snort, which she ignores. “But you need to hear him out.”

“Like you heard him out. Heard how he planted the seed of doubt about us and our loyalty to you in your mind, huh, Roxanne? He’s already spilling secrets he has no fucking business even thinking about let alone spouting his bastard mouth off about.”

“Maddox,” I warn, conscious that we too have knowledge that Rox, and even Kavanagh, might not know we’re aware of.

Rox smooths her hand over Maddox’s chest, and I watch them share a look before Maddox huffs out a breath and runs a hand through his hair in a move that is usually reserved for me. Taking his hand, she moves to stand beside him. When she looks behind her, seeking me out, I step forward, desperate to touch her. She holds her other hand out, and I grasp it, our eyes locked on each other. She doesn’t need to speak. I see what she can’t say just yet. While her pain and anger are still ruling her, they are battling with a love that has spanned a decade, albeit apart from its other half. Now though, it’s striving to dominate her, to push everything else aside.

“Well, would you look at that. The trio are reunited. The question is, are you united enough to conquer all?” Kavanagh says.

“Knock it off, Kavanagh,” Rox says flippantly like they are old friends. He smiles at her causing a spike of…jealousy maybe. No, not jealousy, caution.

“Very well. Please take a seat,” he offers with a wave of his hand towards the longer of the two sofas. “You seem very agitated, Maddox. Perhaps I could offer you a line of…” His words die as Rox and Maddox both whip their heads round to look at him. With a chuckle and a shake of his head, he sits, crossing his legs and rubbing his chin. “Apologies. Sometimes I get my two personae mixed up and I forget who I’m playing today.”

“Let me guess, you forgot to change hats this morning? It’s always hard work pretending to be someone you’re not, hey, Kavanagh?” Maddox taunts. I’m not sure it’s a good idea, but I keep quiet and observe.

“On the contrary, I enjoy playing the role of the villain and the hero. Gives me an edge over everyone else. Think of me as the anti-hero in this particular scenario. However, don’t for one second think I won’t have you strung up in my basement”—Maddox and I raise a brow—“Ah, come on, you didn’t think you were the only ones with a posh house and a torture chamber, did you? Very naive. But I digress, yes, I’ll have you strung up like skinned rabbits if it’s called for. Connor over there is surprisingly inventive, you know, and a lot subtler than his brother, Paddy.

“Now, let me hazard a guess and say you’re wondering what the fuck is going on here, right?”

Maddox goes to get up, but Rox tugs on his arm before turning a deathly look at Kavanagh.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Despite what you think you know, I’m not your enemy. For now, at least. Our end games are the same. It is also what Theo wanted but wasn’t able to execute before he died.” I see Rox’s eyes meet Kavanagh’s, a frown marring her brow.

“How the fuck would you know what Theo wanted, your families haven’t spoken in years?” Maddox demands. He’s being smart by not giving away we know they’re related and waiting to see what Kavanagh is prepared to share.

“It is true that there was a rift that cost us the breakdown of our working relationship, but it does not mean we did not talk at all. After all we are family.” Kavanagh’s words are slow and deliberate as he reveals his connection to Rogers.

Rox’s reaction is instantaneous and obvious, even to Kavanagh. Her fingers tighten around mine and, no doubt, Maddox’s hand too.

“Family? You never said anything about being family. What are you talking about?” she queries. I hope Kavanagh knows what he’s doing. I’ve sensed a shift in Rox. The Rox before being arrested was strong and sure, but she still had her feet well and truly on the side of the law. Now though, I’m not so sure. I feel like she’s prepared to cross the line if it means getting what she wants.

“Rogers and I are cousins,” he blurts out quickly. I get the impression he’s anticipating a very negative reaction to this news, and he’s not going to be wrong.

Rox throws mine and Maddox’s hands into our laps and jumps to her feet. “Cousins? How?” She fires questions at him with no chance for a response. “That’s why you looked so sad earlier when you called him a bad apple. He’s blood.” She visible shudders before beginning to pace the floor in front of us. It’s the first time I’ve seen such a full-bodied reaction to the mention of him.

She spins around, pointing her finger at Maddox and me. “Did you know about this? Or something else I’ve been left in the dark about perhaps. Did you know about Star too, huh? You kept that secret so fucking well. Letting me spend ten years thinking she…fuck!”

“Hold the fuck on a minute here. What the hell are you talking about, Rox. We don’t know anything about Star. Why would…she’s alive.” I say at the same time Maddox does

“She’s alive.”

Maddox and I turn our attention to Kavanagh, who lets out a heavy sigh. “Yes, she’s alive.”

“Roxanne,” Maddox says, drawing her attention to him. “We did not know about this. I swear to you.” He gets up and goes to her while I turn my attention back to Kavanagh. Getting to my feet I move closer to him, so Maddox and Rox can’t hear me.

“Do you know about—”

“Yes, I know who Star’s father is and so does she, but Roxy doesn’t yet.”

“Don’t you think she fucking should?” He goes to respond but I shut him down. “Let me give you a piece of advice. Rox is on the edge right now. Losing everything can have that effect, so if she finds out you, and us, kept this from her after she called us all out, I’m not sure you’ll want to be around for how that’ll go.”

“What’s going on?” Rox asks as she and Maddox walk back to the sofas.