Page 25 of Ruthless Vengeance

“You don’t want me to hang around for Maddox?”

“No, go. I’ll fill him in, and hopefully, you’ll have some more news by then too.”

He nods, then hurries off, hailing a cab as he goes.

Ten more minutes passes and still no sign of Maddox. My gaze scans the outside of The Watchtower for anything unusual but see nothing out of place. I’m about to pull out my phone and call him, when the doors to The Watchtower open and out steps Aiden Kavanagh, closely followed by Bonner.

“What the actual fuck?” I mutter as I step back into the shadow of a tree at the side of the road and watch.

They stop a few feet from the door, deep in conversation. Bonner’s men and that prick Tommy stand behind him while Kavanagh only has one other man with him.

Pulling my phone out, I call Mad. It rings out, then goes to voicemail, and I leave a short but not so sweet message.

“Where the fuck are you, Maddox? Bonner is outside, and I’ll give you three fucking guesses who he’s talking with. Hurry the fuck up.”

I end the call and shove my phone back in my pocket just as a car pulls up next to Kavanagh and Bonner. A couple of minutes later, Bonner and his men climb in, and the car drives away.

Not a minute after Bonner’s car leaves, the doors to The Watchtower open again, and my eyes widen when I see who exits. My feet are moving before I’ve even taken a breath.

“Roxy,” I holler, as I jog toward her at the same time as Maddox comes storming out.

Kavanagh doesn’t seem to know which way to look, but his face is calm and not at all like that of a man who has a Lawler coming at him from both sides. In fact, he seems mildly amused and even smiles at Roxy as she reaches him.

Maddox reaches them before me, and his angry voice carries on the night air.

“I’m going to fuck you up if you so much as breathe on her, you cunt!” Roxy spins to face him, a hand on his chest to stop his advance. Of course, she might as well not be there because he practically picks her up and moves her aside.

I watch the bouncers on the door of The Watchtower, one of them talking into his wrist as I reach Maddox.

I jump in between him and Kavanagh, eyeing my brother and silently imploring him to keep calm.

“Not here, Mad. Use your fucking head. Look around you.” He pauses, taking in his surroundings finally.

Kavanagh just stands there grinning like the damn Cheshire cat; that is until Roxy opens her mouth.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she demands of Kavanagh, all up in his face. “This is not what we discussed,” she says from between gritted teeth.

Surprisingly, he tucks his hands in his pockets and looks a little affronted. Turning away, feeling he’s been put in his place, she turns around and I get my first real look at her since she was arrested in our kitchen.

“Rox…fuck.” She looks good. But also pissed at Maddox and Kavanagh. I’ve no idea what the fuck went down inside, but I do have a couple of questions for Kavanagh myself. Her gaze lands on me, and her eyes soften for a split second, then it’s gone, and in its place is a hard stare.

“We need to get the fuck out of here before we draw more of a crowd,” Maddox states bluntly. Everyone looks around at the small crowd already gathering outside. “Roxanne, let’s go.” He begins walking back to the car expecting her to follow.


He halts instantly, spinning on his heels to look at her. The look is deadly, a look so sharp I’ve seen men piss themselves from it alone.

“What the fuck do you mean no?”

“She’ll be staying with me at my residence,” Kavanagh states casually.

“Like fu—”

“Excuse me?” Rox demands, cutting Maddox off.

Scrubbing a hand down my face at the emerging entertainment show we are putting on in the street, I say, “Clearly, we have some things that need discussing. But not here. Perhaps we can follow you to where you are staying?” I ask, trying to stay calm while still holding onto Maddox and almost having to put my hand over his mouth to stop him issuing anymore death threats.

That damn smirk appears on Kavanagh’s face again, and it takes everything in me not to wipe it off or let Maddox have at him.