Page 63 of Lawless Deception

Maddox steps up behind me, his hands splaying across my abdomen.

“I like my marks on you, Tinks,” he says, dropping his lips to my neck.

I can’t breathe as his possessiveness breaks through my muddled thoughts. Pushing out of his arms and away from him, I carry on my way to the door, swinging it open as he steps out behind me.

“Not impressed, Maddox.”

“I didn’t hear you complaining while I was fucking you, Roxanne.” It’s a gruff reply, and his use of my real name clues me into the fact he’s not happy with my response.

Downstairs, I veer off toward the kitchen, not in the least bit interested in the Maddox and Rox just fucked show. Thankfully, Maddox doesn’t try to stop me or follow.

I’ve barely had a second before Jess breezes into the room, coming straight for me and wrapping me up in a hug. I collapse into her arms as everything over the last few weeks crashes into me.

“Hey, what’s going on?” she says, holding my head in her hands and lifting it till I’m looking at her.

“I-I don’t know, JJ. Everything is such a fucking mess right now.” This is not me. I can’t let it be me. I suck in a deep breath as Jess drops her hands from my face.

“This is not the face of someone who just had a hot as fuck ménage, Rox.”

“Wh— Aah, fucking hell. That did not happen.” She tilts her head at me and raises her brows. “Okay, that did not happen just now.”

“Ooh, so it did happen then,” she says with a wink. Seeing the look on my face, she changes tac. “Come on, let’s sit. What’s going on?”

“Where the fuck do you want me to start?” Jess moves around the kitchen, opening cupboards and looking for something. I’m just about to tell her where the strong stuff is when she finds it. Not bothering with glasses, she places the bottle on the table before taking a seat.

“You can start with how you’re feeling?”

“Like a rung-out rag, JJ.” I pause, and she waits for me to continue. “Rogers put a target on me according to Maddox and Zak.”

“Is this because of what happened?” I shrug. “Has to be, but why wait so long, and what the hell does this have to do with the guys?”

“That I can answer. They told me that Rogers murdered Theo and is trying to frame them for it. Taking out Theo is twofold, by my thinking anyway. With Theo out the way, Rogers was free to take up the head of the family role, but the Lawlers pose the biggest threat, so—”

“Getting rid of them eliminates the biggest threat to his position.”


“What about Eva, you think what happened to Eva’s mum and her sister is connected to Star?”

“I’m almost certain. I’ve looked at the case files on Eva’s mum’s death and the similarities are glaringly obvious. I just can’t find the fucking connection. I know I could have asked her, but I don’t want to cause false hope. If I find anything out about her sister, then I’ll tell her.”

“Okay, makes sense. Have they given you anything on what happened to your mum or sister?” I shake my head. “Do you think they know anything or just used it to force you into helping?” She shakes her own head, and before I can reply, she answers her own question. “No, they do. I’m just not sure why they are keeping it from you.”

I take the bottle from the middle of the table, tilting it to look at the label and realising it’s some sort of Vodka I’ve never heard of. Unscrewing the cap, I take a deep pull of it before passing it to JJ.

She takes a swig and then looks at me, a serious look on her face. “Do you love them?”

“As much as I hate them,” I say immediately. I don’t need to think about it because as much as my feelings are messed the fuck up that is something that’s never changed. I’ve always loved Maddox and Zak. But their betrayal turned a big part of that to a hate that’s so twisted I don’t even know where to begin to unravel it. “But how the fuck am I supposed to trust them again—trust my heart, JJ?”

We pass the bottle between us again, swigging heartily, me more than her. “Yeah, that is a problem I don’t envy you for. But if you love them, do you not owe it to yourself to at least try?”

I scoff at her response. “Try as in what exactly? A relationship with two guys is already out there enough, but throw in the fact they are basically brothers, who betrayed and hurt me more than anyone else ever has, and a part of the criminal world I’ve been locking up for most of my life and you have yourself a recipe for disaster.”

“A beautiful disaster though, right?” The corner of her mouth kicks up in a grin. “It was good wasn’t it? Tell me it was good,” she pleads, leaning forward and waiting for the all the deets.

I try to hold a straight face for as long as possible, but I just can’t do it. No matter how I feel or the consequences of what happened between the three of us last night, I can’t deny how fucking amazing it was. How much it felt right. How much it felt like a missing piece of me returned home.

“It was good,” I say casually with a shrug, but JJ isn’t fooled by my fake indifference. I’m saved by footsteps echoing down the hall and heading this way. I take another large mouthful of the vodka before replacing the cap just as Zak appears in the doorway.