Page 34 of Lawless Deception

There’s no way Kavanagh won’t be talking it up that the great Roxanne Whitmore was at an exchange with one of the Lawlers.

I’m waiting for the backlash to come. I’ve already been racked over the coals in the press, and with the incident at the supermarket, it won’t be long before the anti-police brigade come out in full force.



Rox hurries from the kitchen, and I can’t help tease her a little more. “Sweet dreams, Rox,” I call, letting out a dark chuckle. I finish off my beer and grab another from the fridge. As I close the door, Maddox is standing there with a deep scowl on his face.

“Have a good time?” I ask, raising my brows before taking a large mouthful of my new beer. He scoffs as I move aside and lean against the counter where Rox was previously sitting, her scent still lingering.

“What did you find out about the girl?” Maddox asks, taking out a beer for himself and ignoring my taunting about what happened with him and Rox. I don’t need him to draw me a fucking picture. Rox’s swollen eyes, jittery temperament and a neck that looks like the vampire Lestat enjoyed a good meal are evidence enough.

“Fuck all. I sat outside her house, a nice house for someone of her age by the way, all night. Nobody entered, and she only left once to collect food. Whoever she is, last night told me nothing.” I swig my beer before asking, “And our guest, he give you anything new?”

“Nothing that makes me think he’s worth keeping alive.” There’s a hint of sadness about that. Axel has been with us since we split from Theo and has always been loyal and dependable before now.

“What do you want to do? Something doesn’t feel right about this whole situation, Mad.”

“I know, but what the fuck do you want me to do, Zak? We can’t be seen to have any weakness, not now. And he’s not giving me shit to make me think twice about finishing him. If he was anyone else or this was any other time, he’d already be dead.”

“You could let Rox have a shot at him.”

Maddox chokes on his beer at my suggestion, and when he’s recovered enough to speak, he says, “What the fuck, Zak?”

“She saw me with him earlier.” His eyes narrow. “She was pissed, sure, but have you forgotten who she is? She’s built her whole reputation on locking up dozens of hardened criminals. Besides, she’s no wall flower, Mad. It’s worth a shot. I take it you left him breathing?”

“For now, yes.” He downs his beer, and a frown creases his brow.

“Want to talk about it?” I ask, not really expecting him to, so when he answers, I’m surprised.

“I took her to the meet with Kavanagh. She wasn’t happy with me snorting a line of the goods, and well, need I say more.”

“I bet that went over well. I’m surprised you’re still standing. How did Kavanagh take her being there?”

“Surprisingly well. Maybe a little too well as he didn’t question her presence at all.” He frowns, and I know that’s bothering him. The fact Kavanagh didn’t question her motives or wasn’t concerned she may have been there in a more formal capacity is a little worrying. “Anyway, the deals done, and the new shipment is stashed at the warehouse. There are only four people that know where that shipment is, so if this one goes walkabout, then I know where to point my finger.”

“How long you going to keep it there?”

“At least a week. That gives whoever the fuck is messing with our shipments more than enough time. I had Bowser bring me back a few kilos to keep the buyers happy for now.”

“Good. Let’s hope we can catch another rat bastard, and this one is all mine.”

“What’s the matter, brother, feeling a little twitchy?” He chuckles, taking our empties and dumping then in the bin.

“Axel was just the appetiser, whetting my appetite, and now I’m fucking starved.” I place Roxy’s bowl in the sink and move to head upstairs when Maddox stops me.

“Zak, you really think I should let Roxy have at him?”

“Why the hell not. Look, the worst she can do is say no, and after that, nothing lost nothing gained.” I give a shrug, then say, “I’m done, man. Catch you in the morning.”

He nods. “Night.”

I pause outside Roxy’s door and contemplate whether to check on her, but I decide against it. Sounds like she’s had more than enough fun tonight. Besides, I need her at least a little amenable if I’m going to convince her to question Axel.

Despite not going to bed till almost 3am, I’m up just after seven. What few hours I did manage were filled with my demons scratching at my mind.

When I reach the kitchen, I find Maria there preparing breakfast, and my mouth waters and my stomach grumbles at the delicious scent of bacon cooking.