Me on the other hand, I’m feeling the heavy and oppressive hand of guilt nipping at me. I don’t let it get its teeth into me too much though. A nip here and there is easy to deal with, and I’ll never let it take hold of me the way I know it did Rick.
I try not to think too much about the possibility that my father is involved in human trafficking because if I do, I’m likely to throw up and have a complete breakdown.
We drive away from the barn, passing the main house on the way, and I marvel at the beauty of this place, especially when the world is so full of ugliness.
The sun is bright in the sky and surprisingly warm for this time of year, and a good job too as I only have a pair of jean shorts and vest top on. Rick refused to let me change, telling me there wasn’t time, and the slap to my almost bare arse as I got into the car and the way he’s now rubbing his thumb over the bare skin of my thigh tells me he’s enjoying my lack of clothing.
We drive through a small town where Rick pulls over outside a quaint little bakery and leaves me in the car while he disappears inside.
Not more than ten minutes later he returns with a small picnic hamper, which he puts on the back seat before we’re driving again.
We drive down a little lane with an arch of trees over the top that allow rays of sunshine to score across the road. As we come out the other side of the tree tunnel, Rick turns off onto a dirt track leading into the trees to the left of us.
Rick parks a little way from the end of the track and steps out, grabbing the hamper as I climb from the car and meet him at the front. Hamper in one hand, he takes mine in the other and leads me round the corner.
Before us is the lake you can see from Rick’s barn, and there’s a small jetty where a little boat is moored.
“Wow, Rick, this place is beautiful.” He releases my hand as I walk to the edge of the water across the pebbles, which grind beneath my weight. Over to the right are several large steppingstones that lead to a raft tied to two poles, which would make a fantastic sunbathing spot in the summer months.
Rick’s front meets my back as I look out of the water, and his breath ghosts over my ear.
“Are you hungry, Jess?” he asks.
A shiver runs the length of my body and goosebumps pop over every inch of my skin, but they’re not because I’m cold. No, I’m suddenly very, very hot. Spinning to face him, I look into his vibrant green eyes. Today they shine bright and swim with excitement and mischief. There’s a devilish smirk pulling at the corner of lips.
“Are you simply talking about food, or did you have another type of hunger in mind when you asked that question? Because I can tell you now, I have an appetite that is unquenchable,” I counter and slide my hands around his waist before slowly moving to grip his arse, giving it a squeeze. He lets out a growl, which hits right at the very core of me, and he closes his eyes as he works to restrain himself. I love that I can do this do him. Unsettle him and tug at his boundaries.
“Two can play your game, Mr Sullivan. Don’t start things you can’t finish.” I let my hands fall away and step back. Taking him in, I can see the results of our little flirtation clearly outlined beneath his jeans, and I allow my hands to run over him as I stroll away.
I hear him behind me just as I take the second steppingstone, and my adrenaline spikes when I look back and see the thrill of the chase flash across his face. We both know he’ll catch me because I’m running towards a dead end unless I fancy a dip in the lake.
I hear tip tap as he jumps from one stone to next, and just as I reach the raft, I chance a look behind me and come face to face with him. I let out a squeal as he picks me up, twirling me round and round and rocking the raft from side to side with the movement.
“Stop, stop, we’re gonna fall in,” I bark out around a laugh. He does, but we continue to sway until the water stills and the raft steadies again. Rick lowers me back to my feet, and I swipe out a hand, slapping him on the arm. “You fool. We could have both ended up in the lake.”
“Hmmm, you dripping in water from head to toe,” he whispers as he nuzzles into my neck, peppering light kisses over my skin. “That’s a sight that I could get behind. Literally.”
I let out a laugh as his stubble grazes across my cheek. “This is a version of you I’ve not seen before. Where have you been hiding him?”
“He was lost,” he says, pulling back to look at me.
I see the seriousness of his words and the unspoken meaning behind them. Instead of voicing a reply, I simply lean up and show him. It seems to be our thing, along with the whole answering a question with a question.
Silence follows as we settle on the raft, and Rick unloads the hamper. The food is delicious, yet simple. After we’ve filled our belly’s, Rick lies back, and I pack the rubbish away. Once I’m done, I lay with my head resting on Rick’s stomach as he talks to me about his childhood and all the things he has planned to do with Max.
“He told me he wants to join the army when he’s old enough, but I don’t want that for him. Six years ago, I would have been proud of my son wanting to fight for his country, but now I don’t want him damaged by the sights of war or tarnished by the corruption of our own army and government. I know I can’t protect him from the reality of this world forever, but I’d like to protect him as long as possible.”
“I don’t blame you. Just don’t substitute reality for fantasy, Rick. Sometimes we forget that the evils of this world feed off our innocence and lack of knowledge. There is no harm in being prepared. I know there’s nothing worse than being sideswiped by a healthy dose of reality that shatters everything you believe.”
We’re quiet for a few minutes before Rick asks, “How close are your father and Seb’s father?”
I twist my head to look at him. “They attended the same university. It’s where they met, but don’t be fooled by the fact they appear to fight on the same side. There’s a fierce rivalry between them. I don’t know the full story though. My father isn’t one for regaling you with stories of his youth, not unless it can gain him something in return. Maybe Seb knows,” I finish with a shrug.
“So how did he get the name The Archer?”
“I don’t know. I just remember overhearing him on the phone once and him telling them it was The Archer calling. I didn’t understand what it meant, and Christian caught me eavesdropping at his office door and dragged me away before I could hear any more. He was so mad. It was just before he joined the army and I went off to college. Do you think he knew something?”
“It’s possible, yes.”