Page 90 of Redemption

The nurse returns a few minutes later with a clear plastic bag containing the remnants of my blood-stained clothes.

She wasn’t wrong about the clothes; they are nothing but strips of bloodied cloth. I pull out what’s left of the shorts, and a smile pulls at my mouth as I remember the beautiful moments before everything went to shit.

“We’re doing that again by the way,” Rick says, quickly adding, “I mean the screwing on the hood of the car.”

I laugh, and I don’t give a shit that it hurts because this right here, is why it was worth it.

I turn the shorts so I can access the small pocket at the front.Please be there and in one piece.My fingertips brush something hard, and I almost whoop with joy. Unable to get a proper grip on it, I begin pushing it up from the outside with my other hand.

“Gotcha!” I exclaim as I pull it free. I hold it up so a puzzled Rick can see it.

I’m about to explain when I hear raised voices in the corridor seconds before the door to my room is flung open and Roxy strolls in.

“I ought to kill you, JJ, for scaring me like that, but I need you alive because we have work to do.” She pushes Rick to the side, wrapping me in a hug.

Rick clears his throat. “Where the fuck were you, Roxy? I sent you the address, but what, did something more important come up?”

She spins on him before I can stop her. “You’re lucky I don’t throw your arse in jail, Sullivan. I have a list as long as my fucking arm of offences I could arrest you for, not least being carrying and firing a military issue firearm, so watch your step.”

“Rox,” I warn.

“Don’t youRoxme. I did what you asked, JJ, and look where that got us? You almost fucking died, and whilst I’d like nothing more than to have an excuse to blow your father’s brains out, I like my job and my life. A jailbird I am not.”

I feel Rick’s gaze swing to me and burn up the side of my face.

“What is she talking about?” Rick demands, gone is the soft, loving tone from earlier. This tone is gruff and tells the story of a not very happy man.

I raise an accusing brow at Roxy before turning to Rick. “Look, I asked her to… er…”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake. She called me and asked me to make sure you didn’t go gung-ho and get yourself killed. I was meant to get there before you. But… Well, never mind, it’s not important—”

I see Roxy swallow down whatever she was going to say, which is completely out of character for her.

“Seems important to me, especially seeing as if I hadn’t been there, she would be fucking dead right now!” Rick shouts the last part. I see this is only going one way in a minute if I don’t do something.

“Enough. You’re like a pair of bickering kids. Now, please, just fucking stop. Rick, I know how it sounds, but it really wasn’t like that,” I narrow my eyes at Roxy, who snorts in derision. “And you, I appreciate what you did, but Rick is right, had he not been there then I wouldn’t be breathing right now. So, how about we put everything else aside and concentrate on what needs doing.”

I hold the USB out to Roxy, which she takes before moving to the other side of the bed and sitting in the empty chair.

Rick continues to stand, arms folded, lips tight and eyes narrowed. The door swings open again, and it’s like a damn revolving door as Jay hurries in carrying a laptop.

He walks straight to Roxy, handing it over. “It’s all set, just plug it in, and you’re good to go.” He gives me a smile and moves to stand beside Rick, who he raises his chin to.

“What is that?” Rick asks me.

“I’m not entirely sure, but I’m hoping there’s enough evidence to put my father away for a very long time.”

We watch with bated breath as Roxy slides the USB into place and waits for the screen to load.

Her eyes move incredibly fast over the screen as she scrolls and flicks through whatever is on there.

“Rox?” I ask tentatively.


“Does someone what to tell me what the fuck is going on here?” Rick demands.

Roxy chuckles. “Well, Sullivan, this is your lucky fucking day, my man. This little delight here is going to bring down the whole house of cards, not just the ace.”