Page 8 of Redemption

“This is not over, Ms Fisher. Or for you, Mr Roberts. It seems my lawyer is going to be a very busy man.”

I reach them just as Tobias makes his threat, and I’ve had just about all I can take today.

“I’d be very careful with your words, Mr Harris.” He turns to me, face red and eyes bloodshot and livid. “I understand you’re upset, but that does not give you a free pass to threaten my staff or a woman, whose help no doubt saved your daughter’s life. So, I suggest you go back and be there for your daughter and strongly consider your next move very carefully.”

“Don’t presume to tell me what my daughter needs. I’m her father, and I know it better than anyone. I suggest you get your men off my property pronto before I report you for trespassing.”

Before I can reply, Jessica’s voice comes from behind Seb, who moves aside as she approaches.

“Go right ahead and sue meTobias, but just remember where I’ve spent the last six months. What I’ve seen and what I’ve heard. All things I’m sure the press, even the police, would be interested to learn.”

“You signed an NDA and would be breaking the law if you so much as breathed a word.”

“Oh, I know that, but if you sue me for something that I had no control over, then all bets are off.”

Tobias’ eyes narrow, as if he’s trying to determine how serious she is. I don’t know what she has on him, but his silence tells me it’s more than enough to force him into submission. For now. I’m not so sure he or, more precisely, his money and a good lawyer won’t find a way round.

With one last look at Jessica, then me and Seb, he turns and walks away.

I watch Jessica heave a great sigh as Tobias disappears round the corner out of sight.

“Wow. You’re kind of ruthless. Remind me never to get on the wrong side of you,” Seb tells her as he steps back, allowing me to enter the room behind Jessica.

Jessica paces while rubbing the back of her head. I take up position at the foot of her bed, watching silently.

“You want to explain what that was all about?”

“Nope. Hadn’t you better be getting back to the house before you get arrested?” she says with a wry smile that has two little dimples appearing. Were I not so exhausted and more than a little fucked off, they could be considered cute. However, my mood is currently running the show and it’s not got a happy ever after.

“May I make a suggestion, Ms Fisher? Whatever it is you have, or think you have, I’d be very careful who you make enemies with. Mr Harris is not someone you want to go toe to toe with.”

“Yeah, and sometimes we don’t get a choice in who our enemies are, but thanks for the warning.” It’s practically a dismissal, but I’m not done yet.

I watch her, waiting for her to say more, but of course she doesn’t. Stubborn bloody woman. It pisses me off, and not only for the reasons you might think. She stirs something in me that I can neither want nor afford.




The first two are not unusual. I’m a man, it’s almost a given, and of course, I’ve had women over the last five years. But that last one, hope. Yeah, I have no time for that, no place in my world.

“Was there something else you wanted, Rick, is it?” Jessica queries with a raised brow. Her choice of words is not lost on me given the thoughts running through my head.

A nurse enters the room before I can reply, stopping short when she sees me. I imagine the look on my face is not a concerned, comforting one.

Turning her attention to Jessica, she asks, “Ms Fisher, how are you feeling?”

Jessica’s gaze remains on me for a fraction of second before she looks away. “Much better thank you. How’s Miss Harris?”

The nurse ushers Jessica back onto the bed, which she reluctantly does, before proceeding to check Jessica’s vitals whilst ignoring her question about Charlotte.

Once the nurse is satisfied, she finally gives Jessica an answer. “You understand that as you’re not family, I’m not permitted to reveal any information regarding Miss Harris’ condition. However, I have been asked to inform you that she is stable.”

There’s a small look of relief on Jessica’s face. “Thank you. Can I see her?” she asks, hope sparking in her eyes, but it’s snuffed out by the nurses next words.

“I’m afraid that won’t be possible.”