Page 7 of Redemption

“Where are we going?”

“I have a room set up for you already on the second floor. Once you’ve been checked over, someone will escort you to where Charlotte is being treated.”

“How is that possible? You’ve not spoken to anyone since we left the… Anyway, I told you I’m fine. I’d much rather just go and check on Charlotte.”

“Unfortunately for you, that’s not your decision to make.”

I don’t respond straightaway. No, I wait for the optimal moment. It comes as the doors open on the second floor and Rick takes a step out. I step forward as if to follow, then as he strides down the corridor, I step inside the lift and hit the button for the third floor, which I know houses the ICU. Calling out a ‘see ya later’ to Rick as the doors close.

I hurry to the nurses’ station once I arrive, only to be met with a rather pissed off looking guy, one who Rick spoke with before. He’s the dark-haired hotty, and even more handsome when he’s fucked off.

“Going somewhere, Ms Fisher?” he asks as I come to a halt before him.

“I need to see Lottie,” I tell him as I try to move past him, but he steps in front of me, blocking my path. I pin my gaze on him, hoping that my thumping head is not preventing me from giving him the look of death. It appears I’m failing though as he doesn’t so much as twitch. “Just let me pass. I already told your buddy that I’m fine and don’t need to see the doctor.” Low and behold, my body chooses now to disobey me, and I sway on my feet.

I don’t hear his reply as my ears seem to clog up with fluff and spots dance behind my eyes. Just as I feel myself begin to topple off the precipice of consciousness, arms wrap around me from behind, and I sag into them, losing the battle with my body.



Stubborn arse fucking woman. I knew she’d be trouble from the moment she slashed Raul’s ankles. Not that the bastard didn’t deserve it, but it surprised the hell out of me. I can see why she’s considered one of the best in her field.

I lift her onto the bed as a nurse comes in and begins to check her over. Turning to the door, I see Seb standing there with a smirk on his face.

“What the hell are you grinning at?”

“Who me? Nothing. Nothing at all.”

“Yeah, right,” I mumble as I walk back to him. “What’s the situation with Charlotte?”

The smirk drops right off Seb’s face at my question. “She’s stable, but I’ve got to say, man, it’s not looking good for her. The doctor said her internal injuries could mean she’ll never have kids.” He sighs, rubbing a hand over his face, and I get it. She’s only nineteen, and those sick fucks have probably ruined her life.

“Where’s Jamie?”

“She’s with her. The doctors weren’t too happy about it, but she refused to leave. You know how she is.”

“Yeah, I do,” I say with a laugh. Another stubborn arse woman. There seem to be a lot of them around at the moment. Or maybe, we just attract them. Whatever it is, it can be a help and a hindrance.

Needing to get an update from Richard, I tell Seb to watch Jessica while I go and make a call.

I head down the corridor to a family waiting room, which thankfully is empty. Stepping inside, I push the door to and make my call.

Richard confirms the other two men are with the local police, and he’s made a call to National Crime Agency, who no doubt already has a team assigned. Raul and Jorge are here under guard from two of Richard’s men while they receive treatment. Richard also left a couple of guys at the site to wait for SOCO, Scene of Crime Officer, to arrive.

Satisfied that everything is in hand, there is only one other person I need to speak with before we can be on our merry way home: Tobias.

I quickly return Ryder’s call from earlier and let him know that we’ll be on our way back to Tobias’ estate shortly before heading off to find Tobias.

As I get closer to the corridor where Jessica’s room is, raised voices echo back to me. Rounding the corner, I see Seb blocking Jessica’s doorway while Tobias shouts past him into the room.

“You’re finished, Ms Fisher. I will fucking ruin you for this business. You can count on it.”

“Hey, arsehole, enough,” Seb says, pushing Tobias away.

“You dare to talk to me like that. Have you forgotten who I am?”

“No, I haven’t forgotten, but you appear to have left your manners and respect behind somewhere. Now, I won’t tell you again, go.”