Page 5 of Redemption

A groan and a cry of pain comes from behind me, and I turn to see Seb, not so gently, wrapping bandages round the ankles of the arsehole on the floor.

“Seb, get him out of here before Tobias arrives. Whilst it would give me great pleasure to let him do what he wants with him, that’s not how we work. Besides, he might prove useful.” Seb acknowledges me with a nod before lifting the guy off the floor, who curses and swears like a damn sailor.

I rub a hand over my face and let out a deep sigh just as Dean returns with a stretcher. It’s not in the best condition, but it will have to do.

We lift Charlotte onto the stretcher, and carefully carry it up the stairs before wheeling her outside to wait for Tobias. Jessica refuses to leave her side, even when her legs almost give out from beneath her.

We don’t have to wait long before the familiar thwack, thwack of the helicopter can be heard coming closer. Tobias is out and running towards us before the chopper even touches the ground. A myriad of emotions can be read in his face; fear, anguish and relief that Charlotte is alive.

Jamie stops him from diving on his daughter, and the look he gives her is nothing short of murderous. She holds her own, professionally, as I knew she would.

“Mr Harris, let her do her job,” Jessica tells him with a hand on his forearm. Her touch is like the antidote to a trance, and he immediately turns to her.

“Maybe you should have done yours. What the fuck happened?” he spits at her. The venom in his words is like the sharpest point of a blade and aimed straight for the jugular.

I watch as his words do what was intended and cut deeply, but she masks it quickly.

“I think you need to go with your daughter, and we will continue this conversation later.” Her words are polite, but I hear the hint of anger and no doubt guilt she’s feeling.

“There is no need for further conversation,” Tobias snaps, taking a step forward. “You’re fired, and I hope you have a good fucking lawyer, Ms Fisher, because you’re going to need one.” He turns away, following Jamie as she, Scott and Dean load Charlotte into the chopper.

I watch Jessica’s hands clench into fists as she blows out a resigned breath. “Fuck you, Mr Harris,” she mutters as she turns around. A look of shock splays across her face when she sees me standing there.




Fuck! I didn’t realise he was standing there. My head is throbbing, and my scalp is screaming in quiet protest at the harsh treatment it recently received. Also, my mouth feels like it’s been filled with cotton wool balls that have sucked every ounce of moisture from it.

I lick my parched lips and unstick my tongue from the roof of my mouth gearing up to issue an apology I don’t mean when the guy in front of me, Rick, I think he said his name was, speaks first.

“Come on, you can ride with me to the hospital. I just need to speak with the guys first, so give me two minutes, yeah?” I give him a nod before he turns and walks to the two guys who helped get Charlotte into the helicopter.

They talk for a few minutes, and then Rick walks back towards me, pushing something into his ear as the other two head in the opposite direction. I can see Rick’s mouth moving, but I can’t hear what he’s saying.

Just as he reaches me, another guy runs over. He’s tall with black hair, beautiful caramel-coloured eyes and tattoos that peak out from beneath the sleeve of his t-shirt. He’s all kinds of hot, but not my kind. If I was in the market for a man, Rick is more my type. His hair is dark, and I can see the sides are peppered with grey. I haven’t been able to get a good look at his eyes or his face, but that’s not what I’m attracted to. It’s his confident stride, authoritative tone and clear alpha male demeanour that would normally have my body coming alive. Unfortunately, now is not the time or place.

“Richard has agreed for one of his men to watch the arsehole while he’s getting treated at the hospital—”

“The arsehole’s name is Raul. But I think arsehole suits him better,” I offer.

The new guy snorts his amusement while Rick’s gaze swings to me, and I give him a shrug of indifference.

“Okay. Raul, the arsehole, will get treated along with the unconscious guy while Richard takes the other two men still breathing to the local police station.”

Now it’s my turn to snort at the idea of the cops being of any use to what the fuck happened here. Mind you, I’m sure Tobias will throw enough money at them to actually do something. Other than a quick glance my way, neither of the guys comment on my reaction.

I leave them to talk, zoning out. The eye candy has been a great distraction from the fact I was kidnapped and held captive for the last three days, but my reality is slowly working its way back in.

Not to mention, I’m now out of a job. Most people would be glad for the break given what I’ve just been through. Me? Not so much. Too much time to think, too much time for my mind to conjure thoughts and images a woman like me should never have.

The touch of a hand on my back, startles me out of my thoughts.

“You ready?” Rick asks, a look of concern on his face.

I slap a fake as fuck smile on my face and ignore the bite of pain in my cheek, and the even bigger, stabbing pain in my head as I begin to walk towards the car I can now see parked just off to the right.