Page 45 of Redemption

I can hear him talking to a guy, but I continue to lay here, pretending to be asleep because I don’t want to talk to him.

I’m pleased to hear that Jake is alive, and when Rick mentions wanting to have a word with him because he thinks he was involved, I give an internal nod, finally something we agree on, but he’ll have to get in line.

I struggle not to react when the guy he’s with mentions my name, but I instantly give up the pretence when Rick calls me out about pretending to sleep with a well-placed ‘fuck you’ that might be lacking bite but is still as effective.

I don’t hold back when he accuses me of not being honest. Where does this man get off talking about honesty? Then he gets a little too honest.

“We were never just fuck buddies. It was always going to be more than that from the start, Jess. I’m honest enough to admit it. Are you?” he says before walking away and leaving me stunned into silence.

How can he just drop that on me and walk the fuck away?

I thump the mattress at my side and wince as pain radiates through me from the force. My head throbs, and I can’t decide if it’s from the concussion or the way my mind is spinning from his words that has my head thumping.

I’ve no idea how he thinks we could possibly be more given who he is. I try not to think about how he makes my body sing with just a single touch. Instead, I focus on how I’m going to make him tell me everything that happened to him and Christian on that last mission. I know it was a special ops gig, and I know the army and the government will deny it ever happened, but for my own peace of mind, I need answers.

The beeping from the pulse oximeter machine measuring my oxygen levels is pissing me off, so I yank it from my finger just as a nurse walks in.

“Ah, you’re awake, Ms Fisher. How are you feeling?”

“Ugh! Why does everyone keep asking that damn question?” I say with an exasperated sigh and a roll of my eyes, dropping my head back to the pillow.

“Perhaps it’s because you are in hospital after nearly being blown up, Ms Fisher,” she replies with equal sarcasm.

“I’m sorry. It’s not your fault. And to answer your question, I’m feeling good. I have a slight headache and am a little sore, but otherwise, I’m okay.” I feel bad for snapping at her when it’s Rick whose head I should be biting off.

“Your delightful mood wouldn’t have anything to do with the broody gentleman that just left, would it?”

“What gave it away?”

“Possibly the fact that he hasn’t left your side since you were brought in and has scrutinised every little thing we’ve done too.”

“Huh,” I muse, as the nurse, Rachel, according to her name badge, carries out her observations.

“Everything looks good this morning,” she announces, removing the blood pressure cuff from my arm and scribbling on my chart. “I’ll get an orderly to take you for a final x-ray shortly, and providing it comes back clear, my guess is the doctor will discharge you later.”

“Thank god. No offense, but I’m not keen on hospital stays.”

“None taken,” she says with a smile. “You’re lucky to only have bruised ribs and not a collapsed lung as first thought, otherwise you could have been here for several weeks. Is there anything I can get you before I go? Tea, toast?”

“I’d lo—”

The door opens and in walks Jamie carrying a bag and drinks tray.

“Breakfast delivery,” she says, walking over and dumping the bag on the bed table.

“Seems you have everything you need, Ms Fisher,” Rachel says, then slips out the door.

Jamie begins unloading the bag and passes me what I’m guessing is a cup of coffee and a bacon roll from the smells wafting into the room.

She drops down into the seat Rick vacated, unwrapping her own roll and taking a bite.

“So, how you feeling?” she asks between mouthfuls. I let out a snort. “Well enough that being asked again is annoying I see.”

“Something like that. Why are you here exactly?” I ask, getting to whatever point her being here is trying to make.

“No messing around. I like it. Okay, then. First off, Rick asked me to bring you breakfast, which, by the way, was a great and plausible excuse for me to come in here and get to know you.”

“I’m not sure why you would think we need to get to know each other, but we don’t. So, thanks for the breakfast and it was nice seeing you again, but you can go now.”