Page 29 of Redemption

I take a couple of steps forward, stopping and crouching in front of Max. “I’m good, bud. Go with Grandma, while I go and get cleaned up,” I tell him, ruffling his hair before stepping passed the three of them and heading straight for the caravan.



I hold back from slamming the door shut. It’s the least I can do considering my son just saw me fighting my best friend; a fight my dad had to break up.

I don’t do so well with the cupboard and nearly pull it off its hinges as I fling it open looking for the first aid kit.

Slamming it down on the top, I struggle to get the stupid little fucking catches open, when a tanned hand covers mine.

“Let me,” she whispers, taking the box as I slip my hand free from her touch.

Dropping down in a seat beside the table, my head hanging down, she opens the kit and carries it over, resting it on the table. I watch from the corner of my eye as her long, lithe fingers pick out alcohol wipes, steri strips and a small gauze dressing, placing them beside the kit before tearing open the wipe.

A finger beneath my chin, lifts my head until I’m looking right at her, and my nostrils flare as residual anger courses through me. Combined with her close proximity, her alluring scent and beguiling eyes, I feel like I’m about to explode.

“Go ahead and ask your question, Rick,” she says as she swipes the wipe along the ridge of my eyebrow where Ryder’s hit landed and split the skin.

“Fine. What the fuck are you doing, Jessica?” I don’t hold back on the venom in my voice. Why the hell should I? She wanted it, so there it is.

“Wow. Don’t hold back on my account.” I wince as she continues to clean the cut, wiping a little harder this time, which I’m sure was intentional. “Right now, I’m cleaning up a guy who just got into it with his friend and was behaving like a fucking delinquent, but that’s not what you meant is it?”

It’s rhetorical, so I don’t bother answering her. Throwing the bloodied wipe down, she picks up the pack of steri strips. Opening it, she peels one off, holding it on the tip of her forefinger while she aligns the split skin before placing it down and pulling it across tightly.

“You want to tell me what that was about?” she asks, a crease forming in her brow as she places a second steri strip. I grunt in response, and she chuckles.

“No, I don’t. What I want is for you to explain what you were doing here with my family.” I ask, forcing the words between gritted teeth. I can’t say I’m enjoying where this conversation is going. And I’m fully aware that this is not like with Ryder. I can’t just lay one on her if I don’t like her answers. Drawing a deep breath, I wait for her to answer me.

Placing another steri strip, her eyes drop to mine. “All done,” she says, before looking away and collecting up the rubbish. “To answer your blunt arse, and frankly rude, question, I was making a delivery to the Taylor’s. I don’t appreciate the insinuation that I was here withyour family.” It’s only now that I realise there’s a box on the counter. In my rage, I obviously missed it. Before I can say anything in reply, she continues. “You want to fuck, I can get on board with that. I mean a girl has needs too, but don’t try to make out this is anything more than just two adults getting their kicks.” She steps away, turning to collect up the box, and my eyes drop to her arse in the black skinny jeans she’s wearing. Adrenaline is still coursing through me from my fight with Ryder, and her mention of fucking has my dick rising to the visual.

Surging to my feet, I step up behind her, brushing the back of her body with the front of mine, and I know she can feel how turned on I am from the little gasp that’s expelled from her lips. My dick throbs at the sound, practically begging to be let out so I can hear more of those sweet noises as I drive my cock into—my thoughts are cut off as the door opens, and Ryder steps in. I jump back from Jessica but not quick enough given the smirk and raised brow from Ryder.

“Jessica. Do you mind if I have a word with Rick?”

“Sure. I was just leaving anyway.” She picks up the box, turning slightly. “I wouldn’t want to be accused of making friends now, would I.” She arches a brow at me, the barb more than clear. Stepping toward the door, she turns back to us. “Oh and, Ryder, if you’re going to throw any more punches, can I suggest you aim a little lower and hit him where it really hurts.” And with that, she leaves.

Ryder barks out a laugh as the door closes behind her, and even though I’m still pissed at him, I can’t help but grin and shake my head.

I sit back at the table, dragging my hands through my hair and down my face, wincing as I touch the cut on my eyebrow.

Ryder joins me, and we sit in silence for several minutes. It’s not the first time Ryder and I have come to blows over the years. Ninety-nine percent of the time was because I was acting like an arsehole, and this time is no exception.

“I’m not going to apologise for what I said. You know I’m right—” He holds a hand up when I go to interrupt. “But I could have said it better.”

I get up and grab the whiskey I know my dad keeps in the top cupboard along with two glasses. Pouring Ryder a measure, I push the glass his way before filling mine.

“I don’t know how to do this. How to deal with wanting more than just a taste, more than just sex.” I knock back my drink and quickly pour another. “Why her? Why now for Christ’s sake? I’m not ready for this, and the fucking timing couldn’t be worse.”

Ryder downs his whiskey, then says, “Yeah, well, God or fate, whatever the fuck it is, doesn’t give a shit about timing. You just get the hand that’s dealt to you and have to suck it up. You might not be ready, but you better get ready ‘cause someone has decided it’s time. And that woman right there, she’s got trouble written all over her.”

“Thank you for your words of wisdom. But like I said before, I don’t want or need a woman in my life. I had my shot and God saw fit to rip it all away from me, so I’m out.” I pour myself another glass, knowing that Ryder wants to say more, but he sensibly keeps his mouth shut. I don’t want to talk or think about it anymore. Instead, we sit together and finish off my dad’s whiskey.

Later that night, I make a decision to stay the hell away from Jessica. Eventually, this craving for her will fall away, and we can both move on.

Everyone thinks I’m the solid, dependable one of the group with a cool facade that’s unshakable, but the reality is, I’m good at hiding it. Good at misdirection. If I help people with their problems, I don’t have to face my own. Since Jessica came on the scene, that cool, calm and collected exterior shell is beginning to crumble. The weight of my demons has increased ten-fold and is slowly cracking the surface, reaching for the soft underbelly that will rip me wide open and lay me bare for the devil to take his pound of flesh for my sins.

I thought having my body tortured and pushed to its physical limits was hard—that watching my friend and army brother dehumanised, degraded, brought to his knees and slaughtered in front of me was beyond hard—but nothing hurts more than the realisation that while all this was going on my wife was in hospital giving birth alone. Dying alone, after giving me the greatest gift any woman can ever bestow upon a man. The most precious and treasured gift of all. A child. A son. One who now must grow up without her presence, her gentle mothering nature and her love.