“That was exactly what I warned you would happen,” he bites back, chucking his t-shirt over his head. My libido, having just taken a dent to her ego, doesn’t give a shit and lets out a disappointed sigh.
In fact, she has me getting to my feet, naked as the day I was born, to stand in front of Rick and watch whatever turmoil he is fighting with while my thighs become sticky with his release.
I see the moment he notices and have a moment of clarity. We didn’t use any protection, and I try to reassure him. His bellowed curse and reaction make me think that’s not all it is.
I step forward on silent feet until I’m just behind him, my mind screams that this is bad idea, but I ignore the voice of reason and reach out a hand.
I’ve barely touched him, so when he spins round fast, there’s no time to school my emotions. His eyes blaze with… I don’t even know what. Rick’s eyes flick back and forth across my face for what feels like several minutes, but in actuality is only seconds. Before I can even blink, Rick’s hands are on my face, his lips on mine as his intoxicating, spicy scent envelopes me again.
I melt into his kiss, closing my eyes and getting lost in him, but just as quick as it began, it ends. I open my eyes just as the door slams shut.
“Well, fuck,” I mutter as I collect my clothes from the floor. Not bothering to get dressed again, I lock the door. I dump my clothes in the small laundry basket before jumping in the shower.
If I was hoping to wash away the events of the last hour, then hope is a hopeless notion. And one I have no time for.
I wentto bed feeling frustrated, despite having been thoroughly fucked, and I woke this morning even more frustrated. To say I’m confused would be an understatement.
Which is why I’m currently stripping the bed of cabin number 4 like I’m stripping the skin off the back of my worst enemy and muttering to myself while I do it.
“Stupid. Arrogant. Obnoxious.” I ball the pillowcase in my hand as I run through several more words to describe Rick. “Moody. Definitely moody. And belligerent.” I nod my head, agreeing with myself as I chuck the pillowcase to the corner with the rest of the dirty sheets.
Suddenly feeling that I’m not alone, I turn to see Eleanor standing in the doorway. She has her hands clasped in front of her, and a knowing smile on her face.
“If I didn’t know any better, I might think you were talking about your father.”
“Yes, well… Hang on, what do you mean if you didn’t know any better?”
Eleanor chuckles before stepping forward and gathering up the laundry. “I may have seen a rather aggravated gentleman stomping past the house last night.”
“What makes you think he has anything to do with me?” I ask, ducking my head to avoid eye contact knowing full well she’ll see right through me.
“Funnily enough, he was muttering to himself too. Only his words were a little more colourful.”
“So, he could have been talking about anyone.” I maintain my indifference, but I’d love nothing more than to know what the hell he was saying about me.
“Well, he was clearly talking about a woman, and you are the only female staying here currently.”
I finish putting the sheet on and give myself time to come up with an explanation that doesn’t involve admitting I had sex with a stranger last night. Although, technically, he’s not a stranger.
“We won’t be seeing him again anyway, so how about we just forget it,” I say with a shrug. I know Eleanor wants to ask more, but she respects my obvious brush off.
Eleanor helps me finish up cabin 4 before we move onto the last empty cabin, which is the cabin I was staying in. It’s Friday, and they’ll have a full house come this afternoon.
The weather, whilst still a little chilly, is meant to be nice this weekend, which means everywhere will be busy.
After finishing up with the cabins, I decide to take Rocco for a walk. Perhaps some fresh air and more pleasant company will put me in a better mood.
And it works. I come back feeling lighter, as though I left my stress back at the reserve.
After dropping Rocco back at the house with Eleanor, I grab a quick shower before heading to the supermarket. I was only buying small bits and pieces, especially as Eleanor insisted that I have my evening meal with her and Harry. Now though, I need to fill the cupboards.
I manage to find a parking space not too far from the entrance and grab a trolley. As I walk towards the door, my phone rings. I stop to retrieve it from my bag, but when I answer it, whoever it was is gone. The number is withheld, so unable to return the call, I shove it back in my bag.
The sound of a little boy talking to his dad draws my attention, and when I look over, my jaw nearly hits the floor. It’s Rick walking with a boy of about five or six as he chats away. I watch as they load their bags into a car before driving away.
Oh my god. He’s married. That’s why he freaked the fuck out. He’s fucking married. I slept with a married man. I conjure him in my mind’s eye looking for one where he’s wearing a wedding band, but I can’t find one. Maybe he’s one of those men who removes it when he goes looking for an unsuspecting, but utterly willing, idiot to spend the night with. How could I have been so fucking stupid?
A car horn snaps me out of my thoughts, and I quickly move over to let them pass. Walking slowly into the supermarket, my mind whirls with realisation and my stomach roils in disgust. Then anger comes, and it makes for an interesting shopping experience.