Page 63 of Reckless



My head is pounding as I pull up to mine and Jay’s apartment. What a fucking stressful day it’s been, and it’s not over yet. I called Rick to meet me here, and by the looks of it, he already is. He’s talking to a man, and I’m sure I’ve seen him before.

As I approach, the man thanks Rick and turns away, walking off down the adjoining road.

“Hey, man. Who was that?” I keep my eyes on him, and just before he rounds the corner, he turns and looks back at us.

“Just some guy asking for directions. He took a short cut and ended up here instead of the next road. Why, do you know him?”

Looking away from where the guy disappeared, I turn to Rick. “Not exactly. I thought he looked familiar that’s all.” Shaking the nagging feeling I know the guy, I say, “Let’s go. We have a lot to talk about.”

After filling Rick and Jay in about what happened with Alex’s parents we get onto Dom and his mysterious half-brother.

Jay and Rick talk around me, and I try to keep my head in what they are saying, but something about that guy from earlier is bugging the hell out of me.

“Did he tell you who his friend was or the address?” I ask Rick, cutting Jay off from whatever he was saying.

“What’s up with you? No name, just the address, why?”

“Just humour me. What was the address?” I ask.

Rick reels the address off and instantly I recognise it. “Shit! I knew there was something about him. That’s Noah’s address.”

Rick’s eyes widen with realisation. I’m not too surprised he didn’t recognise it, but it’s seared on the inside of my eyelids and labelled as the guy who filmed Jamie without her consent, and obviously where the pictures came from. There may or may not be a small side note that says something along the lines of ‘Needs his arse kicked.’

“Hold up. Noah is the guy who filmed Jamie, right?” I turn to Jay and practically snarl in his face. “Okay, chill your beans. I’m just checking facts. So, who is the guy you’re talking about now?” Jay asks.

“I don’t know, but I bet he’s connected in some way. I’m sure I’ve seen him before, but I just can’t place him. It’s bugging the shit out of me.”

“No kidding,” Jay mocks.

I go to snap back, but Rick stops me. “Enough. Fuck’s sake, it’s like being at fucking school sometimes. There’s nothing more we can do for now. It’s getting late, and I would like to see my son before he goes to bed, seeing as I’ve not seen him all week. And don’t you have somewhere else to be, Seb?” I nod. “Good. Now, I’m going to speak to Dom if I can get hold of him. Bastard has been avoiding my calls. What’s the plan for Friday?”

Me and Jay exchange glances and Rick doesn’t miss it. The fucker rarely misses anything.

“What? Actually, don’t tell me, I can guess. Jamie?” Neither of us speak, and it’s answer enough. “I warned you,” he tells me.

Yeah, he did. Now, not only is there some crazed Uncle after her, but she wants to plant herself right in the middle of my job where women end up dead.

“She won’t let it drop, and I know what you’re thinking, but she’ll be safer with you two than anyone else. Besides, she might be able to help.”

“You’re not fucking serious?” I shout, even though I know he is. I’m a little surprised, and I tell him so before asking why.

“Because Jamie is a loose cannon right now, and it is safer for her to be where we can keep an eye on her.”

I think about it for a minute, and he’s not wrong. She’ll just go off digging into things on her own, and I’m not entirely convinced there wasn’t an ulterior motive to today’s little visit to her mum’s yet.

Whilst I still don’t think this is a good idea, I agree to allow Jamie to come with us, which means I have to tell her why we are going there. I can’t fucking wait for that conversation.

Before I go, Jay asks me about the two female cops at the station yesterday, and I turn to Rick and ask if his man at the station turned up anything on Jasper.

“No more than we have already. Why?” I quickly pull out my phone and do a search on Jasper Williams. Once I find the article, I turn my phone to show Rick and Jay.

They both turn and look at me when they realise what they are looking at. Jasper’s dead wife is the spitting image of Jamie.

“That’s fucking creepy. They look like twins,” Jay says.