Page 60 of Reckless



Seb made good on his promise and made love to me all night, and that’s what it was, no matter how many times I try to dress it up as something else. Don’t get me wrong we fucked like rabbits, the man has unimaginable stamina, but it was more than just sex. It might have been a long time, but I’m not blind. I felt everything down to my very bones, and my body can attest to that. Aching like fuck this morning.

At the points I was able to talk last night, I told Seb that I want to visit Alex’s parents and give them my condolences. I don’t care that everyone thinks Alex was just in the wrong place at the wrong time because I know the truth. And that truth is that Alex died because of me, so this is the least I can do for them. Yeah, that’s the guilt talking, but fuck not doing what I can, and if it means I have to suffer the pain of watching Alex’s parents grieve for their son, then so be it.

I’m sitting alone in the lounge drinking tea, half my mind on the events of the last few days and half listening to the news. The newsreader is talking about another body found in the red-light district of the city. I tune out as my mind drifts to me and Seb, first doubting my decision, but then an image of him on his knees with his face buried between my legs pushes that shit right out the door, and I suddenly feel very hot. I’m just placing the cup on the coffee table when the sound of shuffling feet comes from the hall, and I know it’s Seb because Jay went out for a run twenty minutes ago.

When he rounds the corner, he’s wearing joggers hung low on his hips and clearly nothing underneath as the outline of his morning wood is more than obvious as he rubs his hands over his face. I would wonder how his dick can even get hard after last night, but the guy is an insatiable machine, and it appears I’m no better, licking my lips as the first tendrils of desire flare in my gut.

He doesn’t say a word as he stalks towards me and grabs my face, kissing me, devouring me fully and turning my brain to mush. When he pulls away, my eyes stay closed for several seconds as my brain tries to right itself from the tumultuous spin it was in.

“What you watching?” Seb asks as he moves away with a snort of amusement at my obvious wanton state.

I snap out of my lust filled haze and follow him to the kitchen. He begins to make tea, and I walk up behind him, planting a kiss between his shoulder blades as his muscles flex with his movements before answering his question.

“Nothing interesting, just the news, but I wasn’t really listening.” He turns, passing me a fresh cup of tea, and I take a seat at the breakfast bar.

“What time do you want to go and see Alex’s parents? If that’s what you still want to do?” he asks, joining me at the bar.

I look up at him. “Of course, I still want to. It’s the right thing to do, Seb. I thought I’d go shortly, and then I want to pop into my mum’s.” I don’t tell him why I want to go there, but I plan to search for whatever my mum was hiding the last time I was there.

If my mum and dad aren’t going to give me answers then I’ll find them on my own. I have more reason to now my oldest friend is dead because of them.

“Okay. Let me drink this, and then I’ll go jump in the shower.”

I guess that answers the question of whether Seb was coming with me. It’s not too much of a problem for him to come to Alex’s parents’ house, but I might need to find a way to stop him coming to my mum’s. I’m sick of Mum and Dad hiding stuff from me, and I know there’s more to this than just some crazy stalker.

Jay walks through the door, red-faced and sweat pouring off him as I’m rinsing our cups.

“Hey. How was your run?”

When he doesn’t answer, I turn around to find him gulping water and still wearing his headphones. I lean against the counter and wait for him to finish drinking.

“Morning. Wasn’t expecting to see you up so early. Did you even sleep?” Jay asks with a knowing grin as he wipes his face with his t-shirt.

“Ah…Yeah, sorry about that.” I feel a slight blush creep into my cheeks, which is completely unlike me.

“It’s all good,” he says with a laugh. “So, what’s the plan today?”

“We are going to visit Alex’s parents, and then I need to pop to my mum’s. But we are going back to mine first,” I say gesturing to the clothes I’m wearing; a pair of Seb’s joggers and another of his t-shirts that almost reaches my knees.

I try to ignore the sad look Jay is casting my way, and how he looks like he wants to say something. Thankfully, Seb enters the kitchen and whatever Jay was going to say is forgotten.

Seb is mouth-watering! How someone can look so fucking hot wearing a pair of dark wash jeans and plain white t-shirt, I’ll never know. And as if my heart isn’t thumping enough already, he comes over and gives me another deliciously sweet kiss that sends tingles to the tips of my toes, and I’m slightly concerned my heart might jump right out of my chest.

“Man, I need another cold shower. You two might just be the reason I die from hypothermia if you keep this up,” Jay states, dodging the punch Seb tries to lay on him as he passes.

“Fuck off, Jay,” Seb all but growls. Turning to me, he asks, “Are you ready to go?”

“Yeah, let’s do this.” I give him a superficial smile, and I know he sees it, but he doesn’t say anything.

* * *

We stoppedat mine so I could change, and my mood has taken even more of a nosedive thanks to a letter from the hospital with a date for my hearing. Seb tried to reassure me everything will be okay, even explaining the pictures have been tampered with, but I’m not so sure. Whoever set me up did a stand-up fucking job and convincing the board otherwise is going to be difficult.

When we pull up to Mr and Mrs Simons’ house, I start to wonder if this was such a good idea. As I gaze at the ordinary, semi-detached council house, I’m transported back to my teen years, and all the good times we spent here. Tears well in my eyes, and I look away from the house.