Page 48 of Reckless

“The pictures were of you and your mum, going to work or shopping, that’s all.” I watch the relief on her face. “Whoever this person is they clearly have it out for your dad. And for whatever reason they feel he owes them something and will use you and your mum to get it.”

“Do you have any idea who they are? What are the police doing about it?” Jamie asks.

That question sinks like a lead balloon because Dom didn’t want the police involved. The three of us exchange glances, which doesn’t go unnoticed.

“You have told them, haven’t you?” She looks at her dad, waiting for him to answer, and when he doesn’t, she looks to each of us in turn. “Why?”

Rick finally answers her. Explaining that her dad didn’t want the police involved because he felt it was just a prank or some chancer hoping to get money from him and didn’t think it was serious.

“Serious? If what you’re saying is true, then this person is coming after me and Mum. I’ve been mugged, possibly lost my job, not counting the attack tonight and my friend dying to protect me. How can you even think that’s not serious enough to involve the police?” She pauses, then some realisation hits her. “Hold on—”

Rick cuts across her, reading exactly what she was about to ask. “Your mum is fine, Jamie. I have Scott there.” She breathes a sigh of relief. Dom’s reaction to the news, however, has me guessing Rick didn’t tell him that. Rick obviously sensing the same, turns to Dom and says, “I put him on her after Jamie’s mugging. I wasn’t sure if it was linked but wanted to be sure she was safe in case they were.”

Dom grunts, but Jamie thanks Rick. “And what about Jasper? He was there when…when Alex was shot.”

Jay mentioned that Jasper came out of the building after Alex, but when Alex was shot and the gunman turned on them, his only concern was getting Jamie away.

Rick tells her that we don’t know what happened to Jasper, or if he’s alive or not. I sense that Jamie has reached her emotional capacity for tonight and suggest we continue this in the morning. I know I’m right when I see Jamie swiping at a few tears that slipped free.

I lift her down from the top, and begin to guide her out of the kitchen, when she stops, turning back to her dad. “Does Mum know about all this?”

“She knows some of it, yes.”

“Well, I suggest you tell her everything and fast or I will. Night, Rick.”