“Shit!” I exclaim as a couple of spots of blood drip to the floor.
I’m just putting everything back in the first aid kit, when there’s a knock at the door.
The knock sounds again, followed by someone calling out and asking if I’m okay. Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I tiptoe to the door.
I step up and peek through the spyhole to see Jasper standing there. “Shit.”
“Jamie. Jamie, are you okay? Open the door.” I take a step back as all the possible scenarios of opening the door tumble through my mind.
I don’t know for sure if Jasper had anything to do with the pictures sent to me, but the fact he’s friends with Noah is warning enough that there’s something not right about the whole thing. Neither of us mentioned we knew each other, in fact Noah acted as if we’d never met, but the wink he gave me when Jasper wasn’t looking was enough for me to know he remembered me.
Another knock.
Another call of my name.
Make your mind up, Jamie. Open the door and pretend everything is okay with the possibility of getting answers or fob him off and hope that’s the end of it?
Tick. Tick. I tap my foot on the floor, and I’m not sure what the over-riding emotion is, but curiosity wins out.
Stepping forward, I open the door.
“Detective Williams.” I plaster a wide smile on my face. Jasper scowls, scanning me from head to toe, obviously checking I’m okay.
“Are you okay?” he asks, pointing to the plaster wrapped around my finger and raising a foot as though to step forward before changing his mind.
“Oh, that. Yeah, I dropped a plate, that’s all,” I tell him, pointing a thumb over my shoulder. “What can I do for you?” I try to keep my voice friendly, but an ounce of suspicion bleeds into my words.
“Okay. Well, I came to return this to you.” He holds up a clear plastic bag that I hadn’t noticed before now. Inside is a bag that looks identical to my one that was stolen.
“How do you know it’s mine?”
“When forensics dusted it for prints, yours were the only match.” I detect a hint of disappointment in his tone.
“I see. Well, thank you. Does this mean you caught whoever stole it?” I ask hopefully.
“Unfortunately, no.” I take the proffered bag from his hand as he holds it out to me. “We found it in the next car park over from the hospital. There were no personal effects in the bag when it was retrieved. As I said before, it’s unlikely the person will be caught given there isn’t much to go on,” he says, apologetically.
“Okay, well, thanks. I guess a mugging is low down on the list of crimes to solve?”
“I guess I deserved that.” I raise a brow in a ‘you think’ kind of way. “Look, I’m sorry about the other day. I was having a shitty day, and I know that’s no excuse, you just caught me at a bad time.”
Feeling like I need to give him something if I have any chance of finding out what is going on, I say, “Yeah, well I owe you an apology too. So, I’m sorry.” The words almost stick in my mouth, but I get them out and hope they sound sincere. “How about we just forget about it and move on.”
Jasper nods. “Any chance you’ll let me take you out for a drink to make up for it. I know what you said, but how about a drink just as friends.” He dips his head, a small smile at the corner of his lips. “Please.”
I can’t help smiling back at him. Despite the connection between Noah and Jasper, do I really believe he had anything to do with sending those pictures? I’d like to think not. He’s a cop after all, and that’s got to count for something, right? Guess there’s only one way to find out for sure. Hoping this whole thing is one big coincidence, I agree.
“Sure. But I get to pick the place.”
“Done. If you’re free, how about tonight?”
I’m not sure my liver will thank me, but I agree. Jasper offers to pick me up, which I agree to, and when he asks where we are going, I tell him Rosco’s. At least this way, it’s a place I feel comfortable and people know me. Assuming I’m not barred after last night. Whoops. Nah, Tommy will be cool. I’ll pick him out a nice guy for the night.
We say goodbye, and as I watch Jasper get in his car and pull away, my eyes catch sight of a familiar car across the road. He climbs from the car, and I’m pissed that my heart instantly thumps loudly in my ears at the sight of him.
Dressed in a pair of distressed jeans and a white v-neck t-shirt that shows a smattering of light chest hair against his bronze skin. My mouth literally waters as he strides across the road towards me.
As he reaches me, I see the scowl on his face and his nostrils flare. I fold my arms across my chest, telling myself it’s because I’m pissed and nothing to do with my erect nipples. Stupid body gives me away every damn time he gets near me.