Page 29 of Reckless

“Are you fucking serious?” I watch his face for any sign that I didn’t just hear what I thought I heard. “Oh my god, you are.” I spin around, pacing the length of the room. Utterly amazed at how he thinks he has any right to tell me I can’t come here again. He snatches my arm, twisting me round to face him again.

“Whatever you think of me, you need to listen to what I’m telling you.”

Yanking my arm free,I give him a shove away from me.

“The fuck I do. I told you once, and now I’m telling you again. Go fuck yourself, Seb. And stay the hell away from me and out of my business. What I do, where I go, who I fuck, has nothing, nada, zero, to do with you.” My voice is low, lethal and venomous. I shove past him to get to the door, tugging it open. And two things happen at once.

I almost crash into the guy standing in the doorway, and Seb slips an arm around my waist, pulling me back against him. I go to protest, but he gives me a squeeze, a clear warning to shut my mouth.

“What do we have here?” he asks.

“Hey, man. I’ve had a hard on for this one all night, couldn’t let her slip away without showing her what she’d be missing out on.”

The guy looks at me with a vile smirk curling his lip. He looks back to Seb.

“Yeah, I can see why you’d want to tap that. But I don’t like people fucking whores in my toilets.” I tense, about to rip this guy a new one for calling me a whore, but Seb pinches my side. I bite my lip so hard that I can taste blood. “You wanna fuck, you take it home or outside, not in my club. That clear?”

“Absolutely. Won’t happen again.”

“Good. Now, we’ve got that cleared up, this tart is obviously gagging for it, how about you get out of here.” He takes a step forward as one hand reaches out to touch my cheek. I have to dig so fucking deep not to flinch away from him. Stroking his finger down my cheek, to my collarbone, and I couldn’t be more thankful for the high neckline of my dress tonight. “Take her home and fuck her good, and then next time you’re here, you can tell me all about it.” His eyes stay on mine as he says it, then flick up to Seb’s.

“Absolutely. Cheers, man.”

With one more look at me, the guy turns and walks away. As soon as he is out of sight, I stamp my foot down on Seb’s, and then get the hell out of there before he recovers.

I jump in a taxi, giving him Rick’s address. I don’t know what’s going on, but Rick will.

* * *

When we pullup to the house, I start having second thoughts. I have no idea if Rick is here, plus it’s just gone 1am, so I know he’s not likely to appreciate me turning up on his doorstep at this ungodly hour.

“Hey, lady, you getting out or what?”

Looking back to the taxi driver, who has one hand on the passenger seat and looking right at me.

“I’m going. Give a girl a minute would you.” I pay him his fare, and exit the car, watching as he pulls away.

I walk up the path to the front door just as I hear a car coming down the street behind me. Not giving it another thought, I ring the bell and bang on the door. If I’m going to get bawled out, may as well go all the way, right?

Footsteps sound on the other side of the door at the same time a car door shuts and pounding feet come from behind me. The door opens to reveal Rick in a pair of pyjama bottoms and t-shirt, feet bare and hair tousled. His bleary eyes a dead giveaway that I’ve woken him.

“Jamie. What is it? What’s happened?” Rick asks, opening the door further to let me in. Seb arrives just as I step over the threshold. “Seb? What the hell is going on? What are you both doing here? If you’ve come for round two in my guest room, you can leave right now.”

I blush. Like, no shit full on blush. I feel like my dad just caught me screwing a guy in his house.

Seb steps up behind me. “How’s your foot?” I ask him.

Rick looks between us and notes the serious looks on both our faces. “You better come in. Whatever this is it better be important.”