“Miss Morgan,” I recognise Jasper’s voice, but the formality threw me a bit. “It’s Detective Williams.
“Hey. Er…what I can I do for you?” Cam greets Blue before turning back to me, a questioning look on her face. I mouth to her it’s Jasper, and shrug. I catch the displeasure on Blue’s face at the mention of Jasper and wonder what the deal is there. I didn’t even know he knew who he was.
I realise I missed what Jasper said. “Urm…sorry. What were you saying?”
He gives a sigh of exasperation. “I would like for you to come down to the station and give an official statement.”
“Is that necessary? I already told you everything I know.”
“Yes. It is necessary, and I’d appreciate it if you could make time today, please.” His voice is firm and brooked no argument.
Okay, wow. This is where we’re at. “Of course, Detective. I’ll be there within the hour.” Ending the call before he can reply. I shove my phone back in my bag and get up from the sofa.
“What was that all about?” Cam asks.
I step forward greeting Blue with a kiss to the cheek. “That was Jasper, or should I say Detective Williams,” I say, rolling my eyes. “Who apparently wants me to come to the station and give an official statement. God knows why. It’s not like I have anything more to add to what I told him last night.”
“Sounds to me like your brush-off might have bruised his ego,” Cam says, moving in to give me hug, and I take the opportunity to kiss the baby, inhaling that sweet, addictive newborn baby smell once more. He’s not even mine, and I get an instant calming feeling wash over me, so I can only imagine how it feels for Cam.
“Yeah, maybe. Or maybe he’s just having a shitty day. Seems there is lot of it going around lately. I’ll call later and pop by at the weekend. If that’s okay?”
“Of course. Be careful and call if you need anything.” Cam’s pointed look tells me she means it and what will happen if I don’t. I’m so happy to see her like this. Relaxed, happy and being an amazing mother. And bossy too. I smile internally at the fact there seems to have been some sort of role reversal here.
* * *
Jasper is waitingfor me when I arrive at the station, and immediately leads me to an interview room. There are no pleasantries, just straight into it. We go over everything from last night again, and like I said, there is nothing new for me to tell him.
His face is hard, and anyone looking in would never know that up until recently we’d been sleeping with each other. Once he’s finished, he thanks me for my time and tells me I’m free to go.
I stand from the chair, gathering my things and walk to the door. I hear the click of the recording device turning off, and as I reach for the handle, he speaks again.
“One more thing, Miss Morgan, just a word of advice if I may?” I turn to face him and give him a nod. “May I suggest that you pick your night time companions a little more carefully in the future.”
I baulk at his words. “Excuse me?” I scowl at him. Who the fuck does he think he is? Realising where I am and exactly who Jasper is, I take a calming breath before answering. “I’m not entirely sure what you mean by that, but it sounded a little like a threat. And just for the record, unless this is in any way related to the mugging, then I don’t see how who I spend my time with is any of your business. Now, if you’re done, then I’ll be leaving.” And I do just that. Storming from the room and out of the station.
Back at my car, I lean against the door to catch my breath. I’m so mad. Clearly, Jasper has taken my rejection a little harder than I thought. I don’t know if he was referring to himself in his little speech or someone else, but as I’ve not been with anyone, excluding last night’s lapse in judgement with Seb, I don’t know who he’s talking about.
Pushing off the car, I reach into my bag for my keys, thankful I had a spare car key and feeling happier now I’ve had my locks changed. As I do, my phone chimes indicating a new message. I get in, then grab my phone. There’s just a number I don’t recognise and normally I wouldn’t even open it, but something has me clicking open.
My screen fills with a picture, and it takes me several seconds to process what I’m seeing. At first, I don’t recognise where this is, but I sure as fuck recognise the three people in the picture. It’s me and the two guys from the threesome a couple of weeks ago in all our glory, mid fuck. It would be hot if it were anyone else.
While I’m still dumbstruck, another picture comes through, and this one is even worse. This one is in the room again, and while I’m being taken from behind by Noah, the guy that spoke to Jasper the other week, the other guy, whose name I don’t remember, is laid on his back. At first glance, it appears as though I’m blowing him, but when you look closer, it clearly shows me snorting coke from his stomach. What the actual fuck!
I might not remember everything from that night, but I sure as hell didn’t do any drugs. I’m no angel and have partaken in my fair share of drugs when I was a teen, but I haven’t touched anything illegal in years.
Not since that night.
A night that, even now, has a hold, an impact, on my everyday life.
Another message comes through, and as I read it my stomach knots, my heart racing when I realise exactly what is being suggested.
It seems little Miss Morgan isn’t so sweet and innocent after all. I wonder what daddy dearest would make of these photos. I’m also intrigued to know what your place of work would think. I guess we’ll find out soon enough.
The message is accompanied by another picture, and this one shows an email addressed to my boss at the hospital with all the pictures attached.
I throw the phone into the seat beside me and start the car. I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but I intend to find out.