Page 18 of Reckless

I don’t give her a chance to reply but stalk from the house with anger and disappointment thrumming in my veins. There’s a little sorrow mixed in there too.

I know she’s crying, and it hurts me that I’ve upset her, but I’m so pissed at her right now. Does that make me a bad person? A bad daughter? Yeah, maybe, but I need more time to get my head around her betrayal of my dad and the vows they made.

There’s more going on, and if she’s not going to tell me, then I’ll find another way to get answers.

As I drive away, I think about the guy that was here and the envelope my mum was hiding. Whatever it is, she doesn’t want me to know about it, and that just makes me more curious. Maybe Dad knows more. Despite not leaving on good terms the last time we met, I head for his office.

* * *

Entering the lobby,I head straight for the lift. I’m so focused on getting to Dad, that I don’t see the girl talking to Chantelle at the desk, and as she turns, we crash into each other. She falls backward, landing in a heap on the floor. Ouch. That’s got to have hurt her arse.

“Hey! Watch it!” she screeches. The sound echoes around the lobby and several people turn to look our way. She climbs to her feet, smoothing out her dress.

“Sorry. I didn’t see you there.” Given the mood I’m in, and the fact she’s just as much to blame as me, this is pretty polite for me.

“No shit, lady,” she snaps, lifting her head. I get a better look at her and immediately know who she is.

Chantelle comes around the desk towards her friend. “Vick, are you okay?”

“No, I’m not okay. This stupid cow needs to look where she’s going,” she sneers, looking me up and down.

“Chantelle, I suggest you keep your pet on a leash.” Vick goes to bite back at my retort but is stopped my Chantelle.

“I’m sorry, Miss Morgan.” Chantelle keeps a grip on Vick’s arm, squeezing tighter when it looks like she’s about to open her mouth again. “Your father is in his office. Shall I let him know you’re on your way up?”

“No, thanks.” I give Chantelle a small smile, and then focus my attention on Vick. “If you don’t want your friend here to lose her job, I suggest you learn some damn manners.”

I hurry to the lift, catching it just before the doors close. Moving to the back, I drop my head to the wall and let out a sigh.

Vick is the girl that was draped all over Seb the other night. And more than likely, Chantelle was with her.

I shove Seb from my mind as the doors open. Stepping out onto my dad’s floor, Margaret greets me with a warm smile.

“Jamie, what a lovely surprise. What brings you here?” she asks.

“Hi, Margaret. Just need a quick word with Dad. Is he free?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, hun, he just stepped into a meeting. He could be some time. Is there anything I can help you with?”

“No, I don’t think there is. Thank you, anyway.” The phone rings, and I leave Margaret to her conversation. Moving over to the window and the small seating area, a newspaper article catches my eye.

The body of an unidentified young woman was discovered in the Strangeways area early on Sunday morning. This is the second body found within this area of Manchester recently, and whilst the police don’t believe they are connected, they aren’t ruling the possibility out.

The police are appealing for anyone who may have seen anything unusual late on Saturday or the early hours of Sunday morning.

The article goeson to give a description of the woman as late teens to early twenties and of European decent. This is an area synonymous with prostitution and not the first time there’s been a death there.

I drop the paper back onto the table and check the time. Realising Dad is probably going to be a while and I need to go to work soon and still haven’t slept, I head back to the lift. I wave to Margaret, who’s still on the phone, as I go.

Back in the lobby, I’m pleased to see that Vick has gone and Chantelle is on the phone, so I race towards the door and breathe a sigh of relief when I make it outside.

I make a quick stop at the supermarket before going home, where I plan to try and sleep for a few hours.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen. My mind is too crammed full of thoughts of Seb, and on top of that there’s Jasper.

I field several calls and messages from him asking to see me tonight, but regardless of work, I don’t feel comfortable about seeing him after what happened with Seb at the hospital. Never mind that Jasper seems to be friends with one of my hook-ups, and not just any hook-up but one part of a threesome. A shiver runs through me at the thought the pair of them have been swapping notes.

I guess the saying that your past comes back to haunt you is true. This is one time when I wish I could erase that particular event. Don’t get me wrong, since that night I’ve remembered some exceptionally good parts of the evening but finding out Jasper and Noah are friends has tainted it somewhat.