Page 35 of Reckless

“Just a thanks for the incredible blowy, nothing more.” He shrugs, continuing to fasten his trousers.

“Don’t do that,” I snap back at him. It pisses me off he’s trying to deny that whatever the fuck that was just happened.

“Come on, Jamie. Let’s not pretend this was anything more than what it was.”

I slip the t-shirt over my head. “Okay. And what exactly do you think it was then, Seb? Enlighten me, please,” I tell him, straightening up and looking right at him.

The euphoria from minutes ago is slowly being replaced with anger at what I know is going to spill from his mouth any second. Realising that if I allow him to say the words ‘hook-up’ I’m going to lose my shit, so I beat him to it.

“You know what? Forget it. You’re right. Thanks for the hook-up, it was just what I needed,” I say nonchalantly as I turn towards the ropes, stepping under them and dropping to the floor. Needing to deflect away from my slip up, I spin round to face him, walking backwards and say, “You were almost as good a Bob, but not quite. Catch you later.” I give him a wink and spin back around, but not before I see confusion and a small spark of anger cross his face.

I manage to maintain an even and casual walk as I exit the gym, but once the door closes behind me, it turns into a fast walk, with purpose. I head towards the kitchen in the hopes I can find some alcohol to numb the many emotions coursing through me right now.

I peek around the door when I reach the kitchen, checking the coast is clear. Once I’m sure there’s no one there, I step in and begin searching the numerous cupboards. After half a dozen with no luck, I’m just about to give up, when I remember the top cupboard Rick opened earlier. Bingo. I scan the bottles, and then my eyes find the perfect drink for the occasion.

Grabbing the bottle and a skull shot glass, I quickly make my escape to the guest room I stayed in the last time I was here.

Dropping down onto the bed and tucking my feet beneath me, I open the bottle of Patron Silver tequila. I go to pour a shot into the glass I swiped but stop and take a huge swig straight from the bottle. Wouldn’t want to waste a drop of this precious nectar. A shudder runs through me as the tequila burns its way down my throat. Burning away the taste of Seb on my tongue. Shame it can’t remove him from the dark corner of my heart he seems to have burrowed his way into.

I should be worried about the fact I’ve just stolen a £40 bottle of tequila, but for some reason the more I drink of it, the less I give a shit. About that or the man that makes me feel everything I don’t want to feel, everything I don’t want to think about and all the reasons coming here tonight was a bad idea.

At some point I pass out.

My dreams are filled with caramel eyes, and the touch of a man I can’t be with but can’t stay away from either.